5 Unique and Bizarre Vehicles You Won't Believe Exist: Unique Autos

There are some incredibly unique autos in the world, and I don’t just mean the ones that are painted in a cool color or ones with 3 wheels. Yes, there are super tiny cars that are basically enclosed scooters, and yes there are couches that can drive, but we have all seen those already. Let’s visit some of the more unknowns when it comes to unique autos and find some of the more weird and bizarre vehicles that the world has to offer.

The most unique autos on our list (Not ranked):

  • The HUM car

  • The private jet limo

  • The scuba car

  • The phone car

  • The hot tub car

Out of all of these cars here, we will see some that maybe we HAVE dreamt up in our imaginations and we might see some that we never would have thought of. The ones that we wondered about in our own minds are really interesting to see come to reality and be real objects in the world. it is so crazy to see some of these be actual things that really work.

Strap in and get ready for some full-blown weird and some absolutely wonderful. There are some oddballs in this article, and maybe one that I need to see if it’s possible to find and take a ride in. Ok ok, let’s see them already!

The HUM Car

Unique Auto #1 - The Transformer

Unique Auto - HUM car transformer

The car is certainly unique! When you find yourself stuck in traffic don’t you wish you had a car like this? It can literally transform into a car on stilts and is able to drive over other cars. That can’t be legal right? The wheels spread further from the car as well as extend out away from the body of the car itself in order to provide enough room to pass over other cars like slightly inconveniencing obstacles. Transformers is apparently a reality now. Can we just take a moment to visit the idea of the fact that you’d have to make your garage doors unique as well for this unique auto?

They must have painted it sky blue so it could blend in with the blue skies and be stealthy as well. It is crazy to think that there is actually a car like this out there, but how often do we really think this gets out on the road and is used? I am guessing it is mostly just a piece to stand out for the company and attract attention for marketing reasons. Well, it worked on me.

The Private Jet Limo

Unique Auto #2

Unique Autos - Jet Plane Car

This just seems like an outlandishly expensive project for some old man somewhere. Apparently, it can fit up to 18 people and is used as a party business, however. Hey, if it is making someone money then the joke is on me. This one CAN’T be street legal, there’s no way. Most of the pictures that I am able to find of it have the jet plane car on a trailer, so I am assuming it is transported to whatever venue it is going to and then taken off of the trailer in order to let the customers have fun in it. I definitely can’t see this thing having much more turning radius then a baby finding out how to crawl for the first time and there’s a pillow in front of them.

Let’s say I am wrong, and this thing is able to get on the road and drive around. I need to see this in person in that case. This sounds like a really bad idea, but i just need to get some selfies in this thing. It is the perfect plane for someone like me that hates flying as much as I do. This would be the only way you’d catch me in an airplane anymore.

The Scuba Car

Unique Auto #3

Unique Auto - Scuba Car

Well alright then… This is some James Bond stuff right here if there ever was any. There are tons of other pictures that show this car underwater doing its thing if you want to go look. This is a real thing in the world. This car can drive underwater and supplies the driver and passenger with air via oxygen tanks. I wonder if it can also drive on land like a normal car. I’m sure it can though, because it doesn’t seem to really be modified much in that sense. That makes me want to drive it off the boat landing in the water and freak everyone standing around watching out of their socks.

While maybe we can’t really say “this one feels unique”, we can certainly say that it is unique to ACTUALLY be in the real world. It is easy for us to watch movies and see them in CGI or in other movie magic ways, but this is a real piece of scuba car glory that has graced our real-world presence. Think about that for a second.

The Phone Car

Unique Auto #4

Unique Autos - Telephone Car

This one is just downright a strange picture. There is actually a car that is built to look just like an old-school telephone. It does have a windshield that the driver is able to see through, and it is fully driveable. I wonder if you can actually press the buttons for the numbers though. The only thing that would make this any cooler than it already is, is if you could make phone calls with it like an actual telephone. That brings a whole new meaning to car phones. You could do some burnouts and then call it your burner phone. Call 1-800-MYPHONESACAR.

The Hot Tub Car

Unique Auto #5

Unique Auto - Hot Tub Car

How you doin’?

Here’s a strange fact for you. There is a car that doubles as a hot tub. Are you jealous yet? This is redneck heaven I swear. The only thing that could make this better for the ultimate boss-level redneck is making it from an El Camino. This unique auto was made by two engineer friends, of course, and it should absolutely get more attention than it does. I wonder how much they could sell this for if they wanted to go that route. I wonder if they could patten this idea and sell it? Ah, I’m over thinking it. It’s two dudes that just want to chill together in a hot tub on wheels. At least they don’t have to leave the hot tub if they need to go get some food or drinks. Perfect!

Well, there we go. We found some of the weirdest cars in the world and looked at them together. I’m not going to lie, if I was a billionaire this is certainly how my garage would look. I would be like the Willy Wonka of cars. Yes I know I’m weird, thank you.

Maybe next time we can look into the most unique boats or something because this was really interesting and weird. Which one is your favorite? I like the one that looks like a transformer and can skip traffic on the road. That would be so nice to have in everyday life.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my article!

Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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