Hey Google are Ghosts Real?: There is Ghost is Real Proof

Google are Ghosts Real and Find…

google are ghosts real

There are so many crazy and weird things in the world, that it is hard to believe that ghosts couldn’t be a real thing. In this article we’ve done some original research on if ghosts are real or not. If you find yourself asking Google are ghosts real, this will give you your definitive answer. So, is ghost is real? Short answer, perception is reality my friend. Also, why do you talk like that? The long answer is far more nuanced and detailed than that, however, and we are going to go over it in length within this article. Enough with the jokes and introduction, let’s get into if ghosts are real or not.

Original Research:

are ghosts real?

While there could be many variables within the research data collection method of anonymous online questionnaires, there still is a certain level of helpfulness and use that we can pull from this tool. In this study, we compiled a total of 425 individuals and asked them if they believe in ghosts or not. The answers were interesting to say the least.


Is ghost is real

Looking at the data you can see that there are around 62% of the individuals in the sample set that give a definitive yes answer to the question, while there is only about 12% that give a definite no as their answer. Around 26%, the rest of the people, chose to answer that they weren’t entirely sold on the idea, but that they thought it was possible.


Pouring through this information we can see that there are biases that a sure to be involved as well as variables that are not controlled for that come innately with the territory of the data collection method. However, sheer numbers of the sample size and lack of reasoning to lie lends a hand into the validity of the content.

Types of Viewpoints Visited:



For those that answered yes, there were many individuals that spoke out above and beyond simply answering the question. Most of these people believed in ghosts so much that they took more time to explain why they believed in them, going as far as telling stories of personal accounts. One person told me “I 100% believe in ghosts.” And another told me “I actually saw a ghost for myself. Other people don’t believe me, but I really did. It was scary.”.


You can really tell and feel the impact that was had on those in this category of people that answered yes. To the individuals, ghosts are real and there is simply no questioning that fact.



Being down around nearly 10% of the people that answered in this sample set, those that answered no were clearly in the minority. Before running this data collection method for this question, it was assumed that there would be far more people that didn’t believe in ghosts at all. You always hear those people that say, “Ghosts aren’t real” and “That’s just fantasy and fiction”. Maybe the method of collection for this information leant its hand to a more honest response due to the anonymity of it all. The people answering in this questionnaire may have felt more secure in answering the way they truly feel instead of putting on a façade for those around them in order to keep up a certain image.



This, to me, is the most interesting information out of all of this data that we have collected and gone over for this study. There are so many people that are open minded to the idea of ghosts being real, even if they are not yet ready to give a definitive answer yet as to believing it entirely. These people may not have even had any ghostly interactions in their life, but just have heard enough from their friends and family to make them think twice about the possibility. On person from the questionnaire told me that they hadn’t had any sightings of ghosts or anything, but a few of their close friends had personal encounters. They went on to say that this is why they feel as if there could be ghosts in the world on way or another, but they don’t know for sure their self.



Ghosts have gone by many names over the years. Ghouls, spirits, specters, poltergeists, phantoms, apparitions, and more have been the different names that are also used to describe these haunting figures. The idea of ghosts has been around for more than 2,500 years. Since pre 450 B.C. there have been stories of the afterlife and spirits being seen and interacted with in some form or fashion. There are Carvings from Athens dating back to around 430 B.C. that depict souls of the dead being transferred into hell.


google are ghosts real?

These supernatural beings are usually seen to be souls from the previously living. They don’t have to be human souls, as they have been the souls of animals in many stories.


Since the early 1800’s there have been sightings and personal accounts of ball lightning. These are said to be another version of ghosts and ghostly interactions. The scientific community from back then actually took this into heavy consideration, and the ball lightning was investigated using the scientific method.


With the addition of ghosts into the scientific community, religion, pop culture, folk tales, art, and more for over 2,500 years it is difficult to say that it is definitely not a possibility.

Recap & Summary:


Is ghost is real

Ghosts have been called many names and have been an idea in peoples head for thousands of years. Basically, since the beginning of the human races written and recorded history, ghosts have been put down as a permanently established concept. In this article you got to see some of the background and history on spirits, but you also saw some original research and data collected just for this reason. You saw well over 400 people and what they think about ghosts and whether they are real or not. If you ask the average person, the answer is yes, ghosts are real. The answer is not clear yet with the current state of science, but we can take into consideration the human experience until then. If we do that, we can say there is a strong possibility that there are these souls floating around out there somewhere.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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