How to Start a Cult 101: A Step-by-Step Guide

How do You Start a Cult?


how to start a cult

Over the last several centuries, there have been many stories of cults and manipulation around the world. Cults are not, by any means, a new concept. They have been around for thousands of years, and have seen fluctuations in prevalence as well. Some cults have become so popular that they are now considered as religions by some, and others have led to the deaths of hundreds of people. In this article we are going to take a closer look at what cults are, some of the more famous ones, and how to start your own. As weird as it is, let’s get into the topic of starting your own cult.

Background Research:

When did cults start?


Cults have been around since well before the times of Christian religion and the medieval period. While there is no exact date to place on the beginning of cults as an idea and happening, there is clearly a time frame that pushes back further than most written documents are able to reach that have been recovered in any meaningful manner. Therefore, we can consider the idea of cults as a topic that has been alive for several thousands of years in human society.


What are some well-known cults?

how to start a cult


  • Heaven’s Gate

  • The Lebaron Family (See our article that goes into detail about this cult here)

  • Ku Klux Klan - AKA the KKK

  • Jim Jones cult of the people’s temple

  • Waco Texas Branch Davidians

  • The Manson Family


Why do people join cults?


Usually, people join cults for similar reasons that other people join modern day gangs. Often the individual that joins the cult finds themselves in a changing period of their life and they do not feel a sense of certainty or comfort with themselves or the world around them. The cult that they choose to join seemingly provides these feelings for them as it projects structure and guidance to the currently lost individual in their time of vulnerability and susceptibility.


How to Start You Own Cult:


Well, this is why you are here. You are an odd individual, and you are in search of information on how to start your own cult. Let’s start by saying please don’t actually start your own cult. Unless, maybe, it is a cult of the happy helping hugs and healthiness. That being said, I’m not your momma and you are going to do what you are going to do.

how to start a cult


Since starting a cult is on the agenda for you today, you surely want a group of individuals that would do whatever you said whenever you asked it of them. Everything in these people’s lives will be given to you and to the cause that you manipulate them into following. The manipulated people inside of a cult following will give money and their bodies to help further the cause of the group, whatever that may be. They will usually become isolated from their families and friends and leave their old lives behind in order to fully pursue this new normal of cult living. Many times, in cults, the followers will actually view the leader(s) as God(s) and may even carry out violent crimes such as burglary, battery, and even murder.


The Functional Structure for Your Cult:


On the outside looking in, the visual has to be as safe and secure as possible. The view from outside individuals has to be that of a group of people that are not dangerous in any way and have a decent meaning behind their congregation. As a leader, you will need to present this image of your cult in such a way that will not bring too much attention to your group and will instead keep the true intentions hidden underneath the façade you have created. This is the manipulative structure that is built around the inner workings of nearly every cult, good or bad. You have to create the perspective you want from those that see your group.


How to Build Trust:


Don’t tell the truth. Lie and make things up in order to get what you want and where you want. Lie by omission, lie outright, make things up, embellish, but you don’t ever have to feel obligated to tell the truth if you are a cult leader.


If you are asked if your group is a cult, simply reply no we aren’t. You can say something to the nature of, “we are just a book club” or “we are just a CrossFit gym”.  


how to start a cult

This is actually a crucial step in the process as the front for your cult activities and organization plays a major and vital role in keeping unwanted prying eyes away.


You can then promise all of these individuals their wildest dreams and goals. You can tell them how you have knowledge that they don’t possess or can help them become better, stronger, smarter, wealthier, and more. This has gone as far as promising cult followers superhuman powers such as mind reading and moving objects with psychic powers. You may not want to start here, but it has been worked up to in the past by many different cult organizations.


In business it is called a loss leader. In cult organizations it is called manipulate them some more. What we mean is to give them something free of course. Take them to dinner or an expensive gift. Use this as a way to make them feel as if they owe you forgiving them this thing for free. This way they will feel more obligated to say yes to you and join your new cult.


how to start a cult

Good ol’ FOMO. Fear of missing out as the kids like to say nowadays. Let your potential follower know that time is running thin on your offer and that the group opening will not be around forever. This will make them feel like they may miss out and may give them the push that they need to say yes and join in the cult. Not having proper time to think on the subject will surely help the cult leader gain more followers faster.


Don’t let them talk to each other. Make sure you are separating your potential future cult followers from each other as well as any outside distractions as much as you can. Ask them to come join you and your friends for a night of fun, or a group get together. In this group of people only have cult members that are already fully and firmly in the group and believe in the cult 100%. This way, the new potential follower will not be able to communicate with the other new members and be able to bounce ideas off each other with fresh minds, but instead they will be bombarded with brainwashing cult nonsense from you and your followers.


Love Bombing:


You and your followers need to now throw compliments their way and pump them up. Make them feel really great about themselves and everything in general. Ask them questions and get to know them well.




how to start a cult

Use the information that you receive during this period to manipulate them further as you go. Now that you have them hooked with giving them positive feelings and interest, start slowly finding natural times in which you can withhold these gratifications. You can now start to pick and choose when you give them these positive affirmations and feelings on occasion.


Now you have them pretty firmly on the hook, and you can start to ask things of them. Start small with foot in the door methods such as asking them to wear similar clothing to the rest of the group or moving in with the group to live together. You can slowly start to control their lives inch by inch and manipulate your way into being their leader in every aspect. At this point you can even set a schedule for your followers to strictly follow. Depriving your followers of sleep and nutritional content if you are able to with your mental manipulation is key to this step.


Cut Off the Outside World:


Now you are able to manipulate your followers into leaving behind all ties to the outside world and follow only what the cult does and what is best for the goals of the cult. Once this step is complete you have a fully formed a cult organization, and you are a weird and bad person. Good job!


Recap & Summary


Well, like we said at the beginning of this article, hopefully you are just weird and want to learn some really odd stuff. Please do not actually attempt to do any of this, as it should go without saying, it’s bad mkay? If you are going to manipulate anyone, you should try manipulating yourself into taking as shower and getting out of your moms’ basement. I love you, and I’m sorry, that was mean.


Now you know how to start your own cult, nevertheless. From manipulation and building trust in your followers to gaining new and devoted followers; you can build your own brony group with no problems. You also found out about some of the history and more famous cults in our history as humans. Please be safe and have a great cult free day!

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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