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Mysteries of the Abandoned: Captured in Stunning Photos

Mysteries of the Abandoned


Abandoned houses, hospitals, prisons, and more are infatuating for so many reasons. There are so many places around the world that have been left exactly the way they were and abandoned by the people that once inhabited them. In today’s article, we are going to visit a house that was once home to family that was hit with unfortunate events and left their home forever. This house is clearly meant to be a castle and is a mansion that housed the wealthy family that ran a large hotel business.


Within this family, the wife became ill and passed on due to pneumonia. The Husband and wife had a daughter that had moved away from home a few years before this, and it left the husband in the house all by himself. The house that was once a home to the man started to feel empty and secluded, while at the same time bringing back memories of the family that added to his pain. These aspects of the house made the man up and leave the house due to the heartache it brought upon him.

The First Floor

The Study:

The first room that we are going to look at is clearly a get away for the husband to go and read a book or watch the massive fireplace roar its bellowing flames. This room looks rustic with wood, leather, and metal shaping the aesthetic of its layout. The ceiling is high which adds to the overall feel of the room and the house as a whole.

There are books laid out and stacked up across tables, and photos of a father and son that once called this house a home. On the ceiling there are bats that have moved in to become the new owners in a cohabitation with the rats that have done the same.

 Piano Room/Library:

You know that this house is a true castle when you see that it has a piano room. The next room that you walk through also has tall ceilings, and the center piece is a grand piano. Being someone that plays the piano, I am jealous of the fact that this piano is so expensive, nice, and has so much history behind it. I would love to sit down and play this piano, no matter how out of tune it may be by now. Just to know that you are playing the same piano that someone else played a hundred years ago is amazing in itself.

The dust on everything gives the effect of vintage and slightly ghostly while the ornate designs and displays force appreciation on you as a viewer of this old piece of art in architectural design. Books line the walls with fireplaces in every other room, as we often see in the older houses that we visit in this blog. While this may have technically been seen as a library to the owners, the grand piano calls the majority of the attention for me and thus the title is split down the center. It is just so fancy to have a room with the main interest being a large expensive musical instrument. There are many paintings hoisted up to show vibrance and culture throughout this room. These paintings are large in size, and when you are able to make out the images from the deterioration of time they are gorgeous in so many ways.

 Dining Room:

For such a large house with so many intense items to be seen it is interesting to see the size of the dining room table that the family sat down to eat their meals at. The wood that the table and chairs are made of seems to be of the highest quality, and in a similar fashion to the other wood workings around the house, there are ornate carvings within them.

 The Bedrooms:

The first bedroom has two full size beds separated by a couple of feet and a baby carriage at the foot of those beds. Everything looks so aged and vintage that it seems to suck you back into the time that it was once being used and makes your brain visualize what it may have been like to be the family laying their heads down at night right here in these beds.

This room is certainly the children’s bedroom and is complete with a toy chest, old timey radio, and a fireplace of its own. The ceiling is falling in and the same as the rest of the house there is an abundance of dust covering nearly every square inch of the floor and chairs.

 The Kitchen:

The kitchen still has food in it which proves just how quickly this house was abandoned. This food is rotting away and molded through, but left with such haste that it sends a little chill up your spine as you see just how fast the family left the home that they had built so much history in.

 The Second Floor

There are entire collections of bugs encased in glass presentations, statues, and paintings that are possibly depicting the owner himself. This entranceway into the second floor shows off the general fancy aesthetic from the rest of the house. Moving from this smaller room into a hallway you come across openings into 4 different rooms on the second story directly found on the first side of the house.


The floor is incredibly weak, and it is scary to walk through these areas, but the first bedroom has a similar setup to the downstairs bedroom with two beds placed side by side. The ceiling is falling in in the first bedroom as well.

The second bedroom has only one bed finally and may have been used as a working room. It has a sewing machine and a sink fit into a much smaller room than the others.

The next room may be the biggest bedroom of the possible guest bedrooms on this floor as the floorplan is much larger than the others, and the bed inside of it is much larger as well. There is only one bed placed in the middle of the room which adds to the uniqueness of the room from the rest of them on this floor.

The next bedroom is interesting as the wallpaper actually perfectly matches the bedding. There are more books in this room, and everything seems to be in order and put together extremely well for the most part.


The bathroom is outfitted with tiles that have gorgeous artwork on them and a bidet. With white tiles and blue accents, this color scheme lends itself nicely to a peaceful environment.

 Bonus Bedroom:

There is yet another bedroom found just above the second floor on a short walk up a half staircase. This room is littered with dead bugs and the bed is still made. There is yet another fireplace, and art pieces throughout the room. There is also a full baby crib in this room as well. The baby crib definitely adds to the creepy factor. The bathroom that is attached to the room has an old industrial style weighing scale which has a vintage coolness factor of about a hundred. There are still shampoos, toothbrushes, and more left exactly where they were the day the family left.

 Master Bedroom:

The master bedroom has a exceptionally large bed at the center of the room with spiraled posts stemming from each corner of the bed frame. On the bed are piles of dead bugs just like some of the other beds we have seen in other parts of this house. The walls are a burnt mustard color which matches the draping curtains over the bed. There is yet another older radio in this room on the nightstand beside the bed. At the head of the bed there is an elaborate carving to add to the elegant aesthetic of the room. The room also holds a full sized desk and couch with the chair under the desk matching the spiraling of the bed posts.

Recap & Summary

In this article you got to see an old abandoned house that seems very much like a small castle. A mansion fit for a king was the location of much sorrow and loss which, in the end, turned this home into an abandoned house suited only for bats and mice. From vintage hand carved furniture to old timey radios and floors that are falling in, this house brings a new meaning to the word mysterious. We are able to visit history and see what it was like for the family that once lived here. There is still full shelves full of books and food, leading us to believe that the rest of the family that was left in the house left fast and in a hurry. This was a great adventure to share together, and we will surely be doing more of these in the future.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )