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Real Giant Bones Found After 1845: Newspaper Articles Within

There are numerous news paper articles dating back to 1845 that tell of specific accounts where 7 to 25-foot-tall skeletons have been found. In this article, we will see many clippings of these old newspapers and visit the topic of real giants in detail.


Are there real Giant Bones Found After 1845?

There actually have been several recorded accounts of giant human bones being unearthed in many different locations across America. These skeletons range from 7 feet long to 25 feet long, allegedly. Since 1845 there have been a great deal of newspaper articles reporting these instances.


Let’s go on and see some of the newspaper articles from up to around 200 years ago!

Real Giant Bones Found After 1845


Giant Human Skeletons Found Over 200 Years:

Since 1845 there have been reports of giant skeletons being found across the United States of America. From New York, to Wisconsin, all the way to California; there have been written records of giant human remains and giant skeletons found. It is actually a legitimate, real life, fact that there have been people alive over 8 feet tall. There are around 3,000 people on Earth over 7 feet tall today. Robert Wadlow was 8’11” and 440 pounds in the early 1900s.

Taking this all into consideration, it actually doesn’t seem so crazy that there were once people of this height and size or even more. These alleged remains unearthed from ancient giants seem easier to believe in once we understand that the biggest human in recent years was around 9 feet tall already.

In this article, you will see images of newspaper clippings that will serve as a fact check on these claims actually being made.

Lake Delavan, Wisconsin:

There are numerous reported instances in which the discovery of larger than average human remains were found in and around Lake Delavan Wisconsin. In 1911 there were a stir of reports made from the Phillips brothers that were published in the local newspaper. It was said that the skeleton remains found were in Indian effigy mounds and around 7 to 9 feet tall. They were buried with shell necklaces and hardened clay to help preserve the remains in the burial mounds.

The skulls that were found in this specific location were reported to have been different from the usual human skull. The top of the heads was apparently sloped back starting at the brows and angle backwards into a shape similar to a cone. Not only this, but the noses were said to be bigger and protrude further out from the face than the average human.


Also in Wisconsin is the article stating that a man named Henry Green unearthed the bones of a large man while he was digging gravel on his farm. The William Spilter farm was in Rock River Valley south under Lake Koshkonong, and this is where the skeleton was uncovered.

Lakewood, New York:

September 3rd 1891, a small piece in the local paper was published stating that 2 human skeletons were dug up by workers in Lakewood New York. The thigh bone was 30 inches long, but not much else is said about the bones in this short excerpt.

Miller, South Dakota:

July 20th 1907, an 8 foot giant skeleton was dug up according to a July 25th paper publishment. In the Sioux reservation within a gravel pit, around 50 skeletons were found buried. Most of these skeletons were said to be small, but this one was 8 feet tall. There is not much in the form of proof, as the bones were said to crumble upon removal.

Nashville, Tennessee:

December 18th 1845, as seen in the image here, this newspaper from Tennessee speaks on a human skeleton that was found in the area. This skeleton was allegedly looked at by the Nashville Orthopolitan, and described as “weighing, in the aggregate, 1,500 pounds”. This means that they judged it to have weighed 1,500 pounds as a completed and preserved skeleton.

Being that the entire skeleton would have weighed this much, the estimation of overall size while the skeleton was part of a living being would have been nearly 3,000 pounds in total. They also guesstimated the height of the being to be around 18 to 20 feet tall.

Prescott, Arizona:

Aug 5th 1911, a man named Peter Mars found the remains of a human said to be twice as tall as any person on Earth at that time. These human remains were unearthed on his farm, and were said to be different than any of the known Indian remains found around the area.

This account comes from a different state in America near the same time that the Wisconsin Phillips brothers were dealing with their situation. The year of 1911 was a busy time for giant bones being discovered.

Pine Grove, Nevada:

March 16th 1888, a fragment of human leg bone was found in Pine Grove Nevada and brought in to Carson Nevada. The portion of leg bone was from just below the knee and was weighed in at around 20 pounds. It was measured for length and width at 8 inches wide and 2 feet long. Clearly, the professionals where called in to check bone, but there is no record of a bone density test on this particular piece of skeleton.

It would be incredibly helpful to have more scientific data for proof of these skeletons such as a bone density test, or even pieces of the skeletons themselves.

The skeleton, in full, was said to have been around 25 feet tall according to local physicians that looked at the fragment. The physicians are quoted as saying “it is unquestionably a portion of the of the skeleton of the largest human remains yet discovered”.

San Francisco, California:

August 23rd, 1912, the “remains of a big Indian” were found in San Francisco California. It is said, in this article, that the remains of a race of giant Indians from 400 years ago have been found along the islands of Santa Barbara. William Altmann is referenced as the curator of the Golden Gate Park Memorial museum during this time, and is accredited with finding these giant bones.

These bones were found in Indian burial mounds, similar to the ones that the Phillips brothers found the year before in Wisconsin. Around the body were arrow heads, mortars and pestles, and charm stones. The skeleton was measured at 7 feet 4 inches tall.

Carthage, Illinois:

September 11th 1891, the Sweeney mounds were investigated around the Carthage area of Illinois. During the investigation, hundreds of human skeletons were unearthed that were described as “human skeletons of giant proportions”.

Boise, Idaho:

March 18th, 1910, in a cave 25 miles north of Shoshone, Lincoln County Idaho, the skeleton of a 10-foot-tall prehistoric man was uncovered. These remains found in Idaho was said to have a 30 pound flint lock rifle near the remains. The bones were said to have been packed up carefully and shipped to the Smithsonian institute. The skull of this being was said to be twice the size of an average human’s skull.

National Geographic should do a show on this skeleton giant in the Smithsonian Institute if its really there today. I would love to see this, wouldn’t you?

Laws Changing because of Giant Skeletons being Found:

May 27th 1911 there were brand new laws put into place directly after the widely publicized Indian burial mound findings from the Phillips brothers in Lake Delavan Wisconsin. Inside of 2 months from the first publication of these articles about giant bones being found in the effigy mounds, there were new laws enacted by the government to stop anyone and everyone that wasn’t them from touching the mounds and remains. This has to be more than a simple coincidence.

Chapter 188 4442m, 4442n, and 4442o were made in order to stop people from destroying, digging up, or touching the mounds and remains all together. If anyone were to touch these bones, they would be in legal trouble. These laws also gave the state government complete control over touching the mounds and remains, as well as giving the ok for anyone to do the same. One could easily make the assumption that this would allow the state government to let the federal government in to take the remains for their own research purposes.

Recap & Summary:

Wow, so there may have actually been entire groups and communities of humans, or humanoid beings that were well over 7 feet tall on average. If you think about the proven fact that there are over 3,000 people alive today standing at over 7 feet tall, and that Robert Wadlow was proven to be nearly 9 feet tall; it doesn’t seem too far-fetched.

In ancient times the atmosphere was different, and the oxygen content was higher. Maybe there is some validity to these accounts, but it would surely be nice to have some more proof and scientific evidence.

All across the united States, since 1845, there have been recorded reports of these giant skeletons being found. Most of them in Indian burial mounds, but wherever they were unearthed, the stories of them were published in newspapers for us to read to this day.

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