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Cryptozoology Degree: How to Become a Cryptozoologist

Cryptozoology Degree

So, you like metaphysics, unknown animals, science, and learning? There is actually a degree out there that you can get in cryptozoology. If you want to become a cryptozoologist, find out how and where you can make that happen right here.



There is a Cryptozoology/Huminology Degree. IMHS Metaphysics Institute “Premier Online University” offers both a master’s degree and a doctorate degree in this field. IMHS Metaphysics Institute offers a PhD in Cryptozoology so you can become a cryptozoologist. This is an online course program.



Let’s learn more about this University and the degrees offered in order to further your career goals!

Cryptozoologist Salary - How much does a cryptozoologist make a year?

The median income for a cryptozoologist in America is $43,000 per year. The low end of the income is $10,000 per year and the high end is $240,000 per year. These are decent salaries, and can be enhanced by further education.


Possible Cryptozoologist Jobs:

Life Coach

Holistic Practitioner


Own a Metaphysical Store

Metaphysical Teacher


Each of these career options have their own possible sub niches and positive aspects. Being a life coach, you get to work with people in order to help better their lives. Being a teacher is a lot of peoples calling in life, so if you choose to teach others about metaphysics you can certainly use this degree for such a career. The big income will surely come in the form of owning your own metaphysical shop, however. If you are also business minded, you stand to make a great deal of passive income.

There are so many possible career opportunities with these degrees.

Specialization Areas in Cryptozoology Include:


Metaphysical Science

This area of study focuses on the parts of existence and reality that are not immediately measurable by the 5 human senses. This topic of research relies mostly on theories on what exists outside of these mental and physical limitations and how it can affect everything around us.

Starting a Metaphysical Ministry

What is a Metaphysical Minister? Well, a metaphysical minister is someone that has both studied and practiced religious and spiritual aspects to such an extent that they are able to lead other on their path in this process.

There are actually a few different Universities that also offer this type of degree such as TFU Thomas Francis University and the IMM International Metaphysical Ministry.

Spiritual Counseling

What is spiritual counseling? This is basically exactly what it sounds like, and learning the tool of the trade for this specialization will allow you to help others spiritually in their time of need. Students will learn about healing people by looking deeper into their belief systems and what they want the most in life.

Holistic Life Coaching

Getting your specialization as a holistic life coach and obtaining your certification of completion will include a great deal of attention to detail. This degree has the potential to add plenty of meaning to the world. Working with clients to increase their welfare with every aspect of life, instead of just one or two, is the idea of this degrees learning and practice.

Emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical health are all aspects of each person that you will take into careful consideration with this knowledge and information. The entire person as a whole is key to their success overall, and thus it’s importance shines through. Life Coaching can cost anywhere from $50-$250 per hour, so there is a great deal of money to be made with this degree if you can find the right clientele.

Metaphysical Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy, the spiritual guidance provided in order to reduce stress, heal, finding oneself, and more is an offered specialization within this degree path. The diploma course that you take may be one of spiritual hypnosis, and in this you will learn to use the powers of suggestion in order to put your client into hypnosis. You can then help them with any beliefs, performance, attitudes, and more.

The person may want to work on negative thoughts that they have been having, or feelings that creep up in a not so positive way. Maybe they have been finding it hard to change a certain behavior of theirs. With this specialization, you will use your understanding to help them through hypnosis.

Holistic Healing

In a similar fashion to holistic life coaching, with this degree you will learn how to help people nearly every category of their life. This knowledge is taken from several areas of study such as religion, culture, and natural medicine. It is used in order to help anyone and everyone, but also the planet. Social, emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical aspects are all taken into consideration when learning this specialization.

Paranormal Science and Parapsychology

Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, and other legendary creatures and cryptids are not the only things that can be attributed to this area of research. While finding the existence of undiscovered animals and obtaining actual proof evidence for these species and their sightings is a portion of this degree; there are also topics that fit within this specialization such as astrology, demonology, ghost hunting, occult studies, out-of-body experiences, synchronicity, and more.

This is the portion of the degree path that aims to prove these things actually exist in our world and can be proven and used. There is an absence of scientific data and evidence that points to these topics being a reality, and thus the specialization aims to confirm these categories as real portions of science.

Para anthropology also fits well within the confines of this specialization. This is essentially the anthropological methodology in attempting to provide proof of the existence of paranormal creatures and the like.


Ufology is defined as “The investigation of any kind of unidentified flying objects by people who believe that they may be of extraordinary origins.” Ufology - Wikipedia

This is considered by many to be a pseudoscience, and thus will prove to be a difficult path to specialization for the weak hearted individuals that choose this degree. You will learn about UFOs, aliens, government information, religious beliefs, and more. The phrase Ufology was brought into existence by Edward J. Ruppelt in the late 1950s.

The Reality:

There are no truly traditional Universities or scholarly academic places of study and course completion that will give you the title and certificate of completion as a Cryptozoologist. The only Universities that offer this type of degree path are religious Universities that offer online degrees that don’t come with accreditation. This means that those people that complete these degrees will not have any formal education and training from a traditional and accredited source for the natural sciences and the like.

This is not to say that you can’t also obtain, or have already obtained, your degree in a natural science elsewhere. The addition of this degree to another one in a more traditional formal setting will absolutely set you apart from the rest of the crowd and provide much needed validity to any and all of your future research and endeavors in your field of choice.

Further Reading on American Cryptozoology:

Scott Marlowe is deemed to be the first expert in this field. He has won many awards and published several books on these topics. The books “Cryptid Creatures of Florida”, “Bigfoot Enigma”, “Bigfoot in Art History”, “Florida Fossils”, and many others were authored by Scott Marlowe himself. He also has had his own TV show and has been featured on ‘Weird or What?’, ‘MonsterQuest’, and ‘Is it True’.

You can click on any of these links in order to check out these books for yourself if you would like to read more on the subject.

Recap & Summary:

You came into this article looking to find out if there was an actual Cryptozoology Degree, and if there was how you could become a Cryptozoologist. You are leaving with the exact specific knowledge on detailed aspects of the field of study as well as the career paths that are waiting for you after completion.

If you want to take a look at, what we found to be, the best University for this degree path available; you can check them out in this link right here. Cryptozoology Degree - IMHS Metaphysics Institute

Science students from around the world are looking for the bones and remains of extinct animals, but you can take it one step further and find proof of the animals and creatures that many call paranormal. The learning and knowledge that you will amass with a Cryptozoology degree can help you find many different types of high paying careers and you could even find yourself working in a Cryptozoology Museum.

If you enjoyed this article and learning about Cryptozoology, you can read more just like this right HERE.

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