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How to Become a Witch: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unleashing Your Inner Witch

Witchcraft is a term that can be used for many different beliefs and practices. This can be used to describe practices of religious belief, philosophies, spirituality, and much more. Some witches believe in certain religions, and other witches, may believe in a different form of religion or spirituality. However, just because someone has a certain religious belief or set of spiritual beliefs, does not mean that they particularly practice witchcraft. So, without any more hesitation, let’s visit the things that you need to know on how to become a witch.

What do You Need in Order to Start Witchcraft?


All you really need in order to start practicing and believing in the witchy ways is a connection, and want to further that connection, to the earth and the elements around you. Your prior and current religious beliefs or spirituality do not determine whether you can or cannot practice witchcraft. It matters only that you seek to start your journey and connecting with the earthly energies that flow through and around you on a daily basis. Some individuals have which craft passed down through generations within their family. You do not, however, have to be a part of a lineage such as this. You may be a first-generation witch, and that is just fine. Whether you are a man or a woman, or any other variety of being, you are known as a witch if you practice witchcraft. A somewhat popular social believe that women are the only witches is not the reality of actual witchcraft. Men can very well be witches too. 

 Learning About Witchcraft


There are actually many different types of witches. There are plant, cosmic, crystal, sea, and many other different types of witches. It is important to first figure out which type of witchcraft seems to suit you best and draws your attention, at least at first. Taking this into careful consideration, you can then move forward with studying and learning about your desired form of witchcraft. There are a variety of different great readings on this set of topics. You can surely pick up at least a few great books in order to learn more about these types of witchcraft. Here is one of the better books to learn more about these types of witchcraft. (


In example, crystal witch’s have a copious amount of different crystals to use for different scenarios and reasonings. Other forms of witchcraft practices may use runes or various forms of herbs and plants for certain rituals and practices. In this portion of the process, it is up to you to search for these particular items and practices in order to build up and hone your witchcraft skills in your particular chosen sect. While you don’t necessarily have to pick a specific label on which you consider yourself as a witch, you may certainly find yourself drawn to one or two specific sectors of witchcraft. Who knows, maybe you will be attracted to the ideals of many forms of witchcraft, and consider yourself as an eclectic witch. Sometimes it is a better idea to actually try out several different forms of witchcraft to see firsthand which one suits you the best personally. If you so choose, and you organically find one that fits you perfectly, you can absolutely make that distinction and give yourself the label. It is for sure not required, however.

 Practicing Your Witchcraft


This is where you finally get to actually hone your witch crafting practices and skills. Your knowledge will start to grow, and you will amass a more clear understanding of who you are as a witch. In this step of the process, you will actually begin to perform your rituals and ceremonies, and learn the nuances of your particular interest as a witchcraft practitioner. Spell books and rituals are based off of foundational methods that you will be taking your time with and practicing in this portion of your journey as a witch. Just like with anything else in life, you have to learn to walk before you can run. This is no different as you will need to learn the basics of your craft and learn them well before you move forward to the next steps in your practices and beliefs.


Meditation is a fantastic practice for this step of your journey. There are many videos on YouTube and books online and in your library locally that can teach you how to meditate properly. Simply place yourself in a quiet location without distractions and close your eyes. Relax and focus on your breath. Let your mind wander as you focus on your breath. Do this for at least five minutes at the beginning and try your best to work up to a half an hour at some point. As stated before, there are many details that you can visit in the topic of meditation, and it is best always to do your own research further.

Mindfulness is always a great practice to take into consideration for anyone in life. This does not only pertain to witches, but everyone in the world as well. Being aware of the happenings, living beings, and objects around you in your every day life is of considerable importance. This practice will help keep you in tune with your surroundings, and the world in general. The same as the aforementioned portion of your witchcraft practices, this skill can be found in many books and YouTube videos. There are plenty of resources out there for you to build your knowledge on, and practice bettering yourself with.

Visualizing is important for any skill or practice. This certainly goes for being a witch as well as other topics in life. Being able to visualize the things that you want to happen and have a positive thought process is key to obtaining all of your goals that you set out to achieve. This works for essentially every hobby, career, sport, witchcraft, practice, and anything else that you can think of. Being able to see the things that you want in your minds eye before they are a physical reality will always help you achieve them in the real world.

Energy sensing is the ability to sense energy flows around you and eventually be able to shape and change them. Your previous skills of meditation and mindfulness will come in handy for this step of your process. There are different ways in which you can hone your skills in this fashion. One of which is sitting in a comfortable position with your hands together and focusing on the energy between your hands with the connection of your skins contact. Once you feel warmth and/or any tingling sensation between your hands, you can then slowly separate your hands by a small distance. If you still feel the warmth and/or tingling sensation, you can focus more on that feeling and attempt to send more energy from the world around you to this location.


Grounding and intuitiveness are also important aspects of how to become a witch. As a practitioner of witchcraft, it is immensely important to periodically ground yourself with nature. Remove your shoes and socks and step your feet into the grass and dirt, and be one with the world around you. Intuition is also an important aspect of being a witch. You will want to trust your inner self and listen to your “gut feeling” more while practicing this and honing it’s particular applications into witchcraft.

 Using the World Around You


Usually, if you are practicing any form of witchcraft, you will want to start forming your own connection with the world around you. This natural connection to the earth and the energies that surround you is imperative to most forms of witchcraft that there are. This step includes spirits, energies, nature, and much more. Taking the aforementioned skills into consideration will be a large help in your journey of connecting yourself with the natural world. Working outside in a garden, or simply doing something that you love in the great outdoors will help you during this process. Plants, water, and other things of this nature will help ground you with the natural world and bring you closer to the spirits and energies within. Learning about what plants are around you and what they can be used for as well as what times they bloom and change colors can help you with the connection process. Getting attuned with the natural world means learning about it as well.


This does not stop with plants, however. This step of the process also includes the animals of the world. Nature is all inclusive of energies and spirits that organically exist in the world. Dears, rabbits, snakes, and more are all included within this category of nature. Learning about these and spending time with and around them is also important to build your connection to the natural earth.

 Be Inquisitive and Questioning


The same way that the scientific process works, during your journey of becoming a witch, and practicing witchcraft; you should question the skills and knowledge passed forth to you. If you read something or learn something from a book or on the Internet, you should question what you feel you should question about that certain aspect of information. This doesn’t stop anywhere in the process of witchcraft. If you feel that the information in this article seems off to you, practice your intuition, and do more research on your own in order to find more information on the topics given.


Why do things work? Why are things how they are? What is this thing? How does it work? Why can this certain thing not work? The point of this stuff is simply to question everything around you and all of the happenings in life. While this is not a science, and certainly may be the antithesis to scientific practices, it could very well be thought of in a similar light as far as questioning goes. This practice is an innately subjective practice, and everyone will have a unique experience with it.

 Herbs, Crystals, Deities, and More


There are a myriad of different herbs and crystals as well as deities that you will find can help you through your journey to witchcraft. There is far too much in the way of tools and spiritual guidance from deities to go over in this article here. However, we will visit each particular subtopic in future articles in more detail. I recommend taking a look at some of the more basic crystals in order to get a hang of the idea. Here are some crystals that can help you. (


There are many herbs that are used for different reasons as well as crystals that can help you in certain situations and specific needs in life. These will focus particular types of energy for different reasonings both to ward off negative energies, and to elicit positive ones. As far as deities go, there are several that you may find a close relationship with, and choose to follow on your own path.



In this article, we found out exactly how to become a witch. Becoming a witch is not about wearing a witch costume, or a witch hat. It is, however, about becoming in tune with a natural world around you and learning about the energies and yourself within. It is not connected to any particular form or forms of religion or spirituality. It can be practiced no matter your gender, race, or otherwise unique differences. Becoming a witch is a beautiful process, and we hope you find peace and happiness along your journey.       

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )