What Can You do for Money? - A List of Jobs That are Weird

There are certainly some very strange jobs out there in the world. If you’re wondering to yourself, “what can I do for money“, this is a list of jobs that are weird but could be made just for you.


Yes, there’s Uber, Instacart, and other side jobs. They are referred to as gigs nowadays. This list, however, is not going to be one of the average variety such as these side jobs. In this article we are going to visit some of the strangest jobs that there are out there for you to make money with. Let’s get into the article.

What Can You do for Money? (A List of Jobs):

what can you do for money
  • Bed Warming

  • Personal Trainer for Horses

  • Food Artist

  • Diving for Golf Balls

  • Pet Psychology

  • Testing Water Slides

  • Line Placeholder

  • Smelling Papertowels

  • Wedding Guest

  • Taste Testing Dog Food

jobs that are weird

Bed Warming

Up to $100 a night

 While it may be difficult to find this job being offered out there, there are job offerings in the world in which you can lay in, and warm up, someone’s bed before they get in it for the night. Some Holiday Inn’s offer their guests a complementary bed warming service for five minutes. If you look hard enough, you may be able to find this job. It must be pretty difficult to have a job that pays you up to $100 just for laying in a bed for a few minutes. This is bragging rights for sure.

what can you do for money

Personal Trainer for Horses

Over $50,000 a year

This job isn’t making work out or training plans for the horse, or anything of that nature. It is simply riding the horse and following the workout plans yourself that are put forth by the trainer of the racehorse. In this job, you simply exercise a horse on a regular basis. You can make a great annual salary as far as the average career goes in the United States. It isn’t difficult to get paid over $50,000 a year to race horses and ride them if you love them and they are one of your favorite animals to deal with. Especially, if this is your favorite hobby, and a love and passion of yours. It will be perfect for you.

jobs that are weird

 Food Artist

Over $65,000 a year

If you watch commercials on TV, or anywhere else, and you see food that looks absolutely amazing; this is where the job of being a food artist or food stylist comes into play. Yes, of course the food never looks as good when you get it in real life from the actual restaurant. When you see it on TV, however, it looks like some of the most delectable cuisine you have ever seen. This, of course, gets you to come in to their restaurant and spend your hard earned money on their food. The person in charge of making this food look like it is unbelievably fantastic is who we are talking about in this job here. Often, in this job, the food depicted in the imagery is not even 100% edible. Not only this, but the food stylist will use after effects, and Photoshop imagery manipulation in order to make pictures look better than in real life. All of this is to say that you can get paid a hefty salary to make food look really delicious.


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Diving for Golf Balls

Up to $100,000 a year

Depending on where you go to perform this duty, you may be paid an incredibly handsome salary. Ranging from around $50,000-$100,000 every year, if you are a scuba diver that goes in search of golf balls on major golf courses you certainly have one of the more unique jobs in the world. Just make sure you’re careful if you choose to venture out into the territory of this career path. Sometimes these ponds have dangerous creatures within. Don’t become alligator food.

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 Pet Psychology

$70,000 a year

One of the higher paying careers in this article is that of a pet psychologist. You heard correctly. There are individuals that go to school, get degrees, and perform psychological practices on your pets. Not only this, but they make a comparable income to regular human psychologists. Who would’ve guessed that being a pet whisperer could pay so much? When you watched Dr. Dolittle as a child and decided that you wanted to be that when you grew up, it apparently was a real option.

 Testing Water Slides

Around $30,000 a year

jobs that are weird

This specific career path doesn’t seem to provide as much in the way of compensation as some of the others in this article. That being said, if you love water slides, this may just be the perfect fit for you. Personally, I wouldn’t want to be one of the first ones on a ride of any sort. This especially includes water slides of any kind.


“Hey, we have a new water slide that we just built, but we don’t know if it’s safe. Will you be the first one to test it for us?”


No, thank you. You can easily see where this may lead to you flying off of the edge and figuring out the hard way that this waterslide is not yet ready for the masses. For $30,000 a year maybe you should leave this one to the daredevils of the world. Who are we to judge though? Maybe you are said daredevil.

what can you do for money

 Line Placeholder

Up to $10,000 per place hold

As seen in many adult cartoons, and movies, being a placeholder for people in line is actually a real job. This one is less working for someone else and being employed, and more of being an entrepreneur and working a side gig. In a similar fashion to working for Uber or Instacart, you can rent out your services to other individuals that don’t have the time or means to do what they need to do. If you want to stand in line for someone else, you may get paid a handsome amount.

Smelling Paper Towels

A wide range from $20,000-$55,000 a year

what can you do for money

There are actually many jobs in the world in which a person specifically is meant to smell different scents, or the lack thereof. Think about deodorants and air fresheners. In our houses and in our cars, we have air fresheners, candles, incense, and much more. There are people in the world that have the job of smelling these products before they are released for sale. There are also deodorants and wearables that certain individuals also have the monetarily enhanced obligation of being on the receiving end of their scents.


In this particular smelling career, paper towels are the object of interest. Here, the smeller looks for the lack of smell at every scenario as it pertains to the paper towel being used specifically. Before using the paper towel, while using the paper towel, and after use; it is important to the smeller of this product to obtain information about any scent changes.

what can you do for money

 Wedding Guest

Up to $250 each wedding

Sometimes people that have weddings believe they need more people to attend their function. If they feel that the numbers of attendance in their wedding are not up to par with their expectations, they may hire you for up to $250 to act as if you are a friend or family member, and to attend the wedding. It seems that if you are good at acting like you know someone and making small talk, you might get paid very handsomely as well as get free food and drinks at a nice ceremony. Other than the bed warming, this has to be one of the better jobs in this article

what can you do for money

 Testing Dog Food

Around $30,000 a year


Apparently, there’s a job out there in which humans taste test dog food. It is said to be a job somewhat for safety reasons, but mostly for taste reasoning. Testing dog food for taste is probably one of the least sought after jobs, and certainly one of the more unique ones. This job doesn’t pay particularly well and isn’t on the top of the list in this article for income either. If, for some reason, in your spare time, you eat dog food anyways, make sure you look for a career path in this.


In this article, we have found some of the most weird jobs that you can earn money doing. So what can you do for money? Well, you can be a personal trainer for horses, a psychologist for pets, taste test dog food, and many other things that we found here in this article. Some of these pay a normal average salary, while some of them pay a very hefty amount. If you are in search of some of the weirder jobs in the world, maybe you will choose one of the jobs on this list. Whatever you choose to do, we hope you make a great deal of money, and find happiness in your choice.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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