What is SCP 682: A Detailed Profile

SCP 682 is a one-of-a-kind anomaly kept inside of the SCP foundation. From its indestructible nature, to its malicious intent; you will learn everything about this creature in this article.




What is SCP 682?

SCP 682 is a reptile like creature that can’t currently be killed by any means. It is kept in containment inside of the SCP foundation. It is large, fast, strong, can regenerate its entire body, and can adapt to anything that attempts harm onto it.


Let’s learn about SPC 682 and what has been done to test it inside of the foundation!

What is SCP 682?

This large reptile like creature is within the containment of the SCP foundation. The creature is actually extremely intelligent, and it has been observed that it is potentially impossible to destroy this anomaly. It appears to be unkillable as of now, according to the tests run during its time at the foundation.

The origin of this creature is unknown, but it has been placed within the Keter class. With an unknown origin, this creature is mysterious in more ways than one. There have been many attempts to destroy this anomaly, but even with extensive tests and attempts, nothing has been able to make a permanent impact on the existence of this vaguely reptilian being.

The gender of this anomaly is not currently known, so it could be male or a female SCP 682.

SCP 682 Termination Attempts:

Among the several attempts to destroy this being, SCP 017, SCP 173, SCP 096, SCP 106, SCP 953, SCP 049, SCP 162, SCP 001 (Gate Guardian), and SCP 053 all attempted their own try at killing this creature.


SCP 162 is a large ball with many attached sharp items and hypnotic properties. This anomaly was able to injure 682, and even rip a good portion of its jaw off of its body, but the creature was easily able to regenerate from the attack. Not only did 682 regenerate, but an SCP containment breach was soon to follow in which 682 killed multiple workers of the foundation.

SCP 106 & SCP 953 naturally met and fought with SCP 682. During this fight, 682 was stripped of over 65% of its body mass. With more than half of its body gone, it was still able to survive and regenerate entirely. Both SCP 106 and 953 retreated.

There have also been many other attempts at destroying this creature including lasers, cutting it into a thousand pieces, and removing all oxygen from its containment. The issue is the adaptive nature of the anomaly, as anything that attempts to cause harm to the creature will be met with a way for 682 to protect itself from that specific thing in the future.

SCP 682 and 053:

SCP 053 is visible to humans and other beings in the form of a little young girl. When this anomaly is in the presence of any other being for over 10 minutes, a certain level of hatred and murderous tendencies would wash across them. Once the being attacked 053, they would fall out dead where they were. SCP 053 would be perfectly fine after this attempted attack.

The addition of 053 into the containment cell of 682 proved to provide unique and interesting results. When 053 entered the room, 682 got calm and actually played with the other anomaly. These two beings became friends and were visibly upset to be separated from one another.

The Containment of SCP-682:

This anomaly is held in a perpetual bath of hydrochloric acid in order to keep it in a weekend state so it is less likely to breach containment and kill more people. This measure is to minimize the destruction that CP 682 can bring onto the world, as limitation seems to be the best method to deal with this indestructible creature thus far.

SCP Keter Class Meaning:

The anomaly class “Keter” is used to describe creatures and beings that are kept within the SCP foundation that are extremely hard to keep contained. Being classified as a part of this category of being doesn’t mean that the anomaly itself has to be dangerous specifically. However, many of the beings in this classification are very dangerous.

There are nearly a thousand known creatures classified within this category.


There are many Youtube videos about this particular SCP creature and even a specific containment breach wiki.

The place of origin of this creature is unknown, but there is an animated recreation of this creature in Seattle.

There are actually items that you can buy online to represent this SCP if it is one of your favorites. One of the best things on the internet is a door hanger that says “Do not disturb. SCP-682 experiment zone.”


There is also a t-shirt with SCP-682 and SCP-999 on it hugging. It is meant to be cute, so if you are into that sort of thing, this is a good fit for you.


Recap & Summary:


SCP-682 is a hazardous being, potentially to the entire world. It is unknown how to destroy or kill it, as there have been many attempts and tests ran on it including other SCP anomalies and technological apparatuses. It is thought that an attack on this being with a nuclear weapon would make the creature develop a defense to this sort of weapon as well as the ability to include it into its own attack arsenal.

This means that if a nuclear bomb was dropped on its head, there is a chance that it would then be able to detonate itself as a sort of nuclear bomb in order to destroy the Earth and life on it.

Now you know all about the SCP called 682 and some of the things that have happened to it and because of it. From being kept in acid to keep it week and easier to control, to its unkillable nature; you have an in-depth knowledge of this specific anomaly.

If you enjoyed this article, and all of the information in this category, there are many more articles just like this that you can find right here.


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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