What is SCP 999: Full Detailed Explanation & Pictures


SCP 999 has some of the most unique powers out of the entire SCP foundation. It may very well be the most powerful and useful anomaly to ever exist, and here is a detailed analysis of why that is.


SCP 999 Description:

SCP-999 is a sweet little blob of orange/yellow color that has the ability to bring happiness to anyone and everyone it comes in contact with, with no exception. Nicknamed “the tickle monster”, SCP 999 is said to be the possible savior of Earth.

Now, let’s look at exactly why this little guy is so amazing!

What is SCP 999?

what is scp 999

This anomaly is considered and classified as safe. Not only is it considered safe, but SCP-999 is free to wander around the grounds of the foundation. This anomaly is nicknamed “the tickle monster”. SCP 999 can be described as translucent orange or yellow being that has the amorphous shape of a gelatinous mass of slime. This being is large in size and appears to act like a puppy dog. The texture of the creature is said to be comparable to peanut butter.

The being is around 3 feet tall and 6 feet across. It weighs a little bit over 100 pounds, and eats mostly candy and sweets. It doesn’t have arms or legs, but it does have at least 3 pseudopods that extend out from its body in order to grab things if it so chooses.

The containment of this anomaly appears to be incredibly easy, as the only two rules for SCP 999 are that it goes to bed from around 8:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. and that it can not leave the grounds of the SCP foundation.

SCP 682, also known as the unkillable lizard creature, was proposed to be exposed to SCP 999.

SCP 999

When the anomaly SCP-999 rolled its jelly like body into the holding cell that contained SCP 682, the immortal lizard stomped on it and smashed it underneath its giant claws. After it seemed like the little amorphous blob was done for, the giant lizard slowly started to smile. A smile creeped over SCP 682’s face and then it chuckled. SCP 999 started to climb up the leg of the huge lizard as 682 said it that it felt happy.

The cute little anomaly SCP-999 made the evil lizard monster happy; so happy that it continuously repeated how happy it was.

Cute SCP 999

Next, 682 dropped to the ground and rolled around laughing. SCP 999 had started to tickle the huge lizard and caused it to flop around uncontrollably like a child being tickled by their parent. SCP 999 tickled 682 until it fell asleep happy and calm.

This is because of SCP 999’s special ability. It makes anyone and everyone happy when being near them. The longer you are next to this little anomaly, the happier you are and for longer. Even after you separate from 999, you will still feel calm and happy for a while to come. Murderers and evil SCP’s just like 682 have all been affected in this way by 999, and there doesn’t seem to be any exceptions to this fact.

This creature is so nice and caring that it even jumped into the path of a bullet in order to protect an SCP foundation member at one point.


The Scarlett King is said to be the single greatest danger to the multiverse. SCP 231 was a collection of 7 women that were impregnated by the Scarlett King. More specifically, the cult that followed the Scarlett King kidnapped these women and performed a ritual that impregnated them. These 7 women gave birth to evil monsters that became dangerous SCP anomalies. SCP 682 was one of these such anomalies. After giving birth, these women all died; all of them except for one.

SCP 231-7 was the final birth of these 7 women, and the result of this birthing was SCP 999. That means that the nicest and cutest SCP in the foundation is a product of the most dangerous terror to the entire multiverse. SCP 999 even healed the woman that gave birth to it, making her the only woman to survive the birthing process.

It is said that the powers of love and happiness within this little anomaly will grow in a parabolic manner until it is so powerful that it will be able to irradicate all evil with its pure love and goodness. This would even include the evil that is the Scarlett King.

SCP 999 Fandom:

Similarly to the rest of the anomalies in this category of fictional being, the YouTube channel “SCP Animation” has many videos on the creature. These videos are incredibly fun to watch and really interesting. It is nice to see animations of cute SCP 999 rather than just reading about it and hearing stories told of its adventures.

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Cute SCP 999 Plush

This little plush of SCP 999 doesn’t have the same peanut butter consistency of the real deal, but it is just as cute. It is 6 inches tall, and provides you with the perfect tickle monster plushy to keep you company. Not to mention, you will be able to show off your SCP foundation love as a fan.

SCP 999 in Real Life?

SCP 999 in real life

This anomaly does not exist on our Earth in real life, as this is a creature made as part of a fictional universe. However, that is not to say that this creature couldn’t be real on another planet or in another galaxy. Maybe even another universe may hold SCP 999 within its boundaries as a real being. Who are we to say for an absolute fact that this little guy is not out there somewhere in the vast cosmos of the possibly infinite multiverse.

There have certainly been many reports over many years describing creatures that roughly fit the physical description of SCP 999. A short answer to this question though is that there is no SCP-999 in existence that we are aware of.

Recap & Summary:

Now you have an exact layout of what SCP 999 is and what it stands for. Everything that is known, currently, about 999 is explained in this article. You know what class SCP 999 is in and an in-depth story of its origin and interactions with other SCPs. The SCP foundation series provides us with many great anomalies, but this is by far one of our favorites.

If you enjoyed learning all about this SCP foundation anomaly, you could find more articles and information just like this right here in our SCP Foundation category.


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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