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The 5 Most Horrifying Examples of Bad Taxidermy


Animals are mounted and carefully preserved as part of the craft of taxidermy for display reasons. But sometimes it's not done effectively, and the outcomes can be downright horrific. Here are 10 of the most horrifying instances of bad taxidermy.


Stalker GOAT

Otter…ly embarrassing

Anger Therapy Dog

Squishy Faced Wolf

This wolf fell off of the ugly tree and broke a branch off in his aaaaaa…nd basically I am saying he looks low IQ.

What in the actual pancake head heck is going on here? This poor wolf’s jaw is so slanted that his dentist would need GPS to locate the correct canine tooth.

This is the result of starting to practice headstands during infancy.

The most normal part of this bad taxidermy animal is the teardrop tattoo under its right eye.

This is bad taxidermy.

There is a certain amount of satire in this article about bad taxidermy, but these pieces really have been done very bad. These are most likely pieces done for paying customers, and that is sad for whoever is receiving these. They very well may be animals that meant something to the owner and getting your pet back in this shape would be shocking to say the least. So, if you need your taxidermy done right, make sure you vet whoever it is that is going to work on it for you.

If you want to see some more bad taxidermy check this out on amazon.

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