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UFOs in Argentina: Specific Sightings and Reputable Reports

If you are looking for UFO sightings specifically from Argentina and some details about each and every occurrence, this is the place for you. We will even provide some evidence from reputable sources for over 60 years ago!


Have there been UFOs in Argentina?

There have been many sightings and official reports of UFOs in Argentina over the past 60 years. Most of them come from Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires. Many of the others come from the annual alien festival in Capilla del Monte.


Let’s take a look at some of the most interesting and detailed UFO sightings from Argentina over the past 60+ years!

UFOs in Argentina

Route 35 May 12th, 1962:

The Tomassini brothers Valentino and Gauro and their friend Humberto Zenobi saw something on the ground in the center of a field next to the road that they were driving on. The object that they witnessed in the middle of the field was described to be shaped like a railroad car and it was lit up with a good amount of light. They drove closer to the object and it flew up into the air and across the road that the men were on. It stayed low to the ground, and rose no more than 15 feet into the air, and the lights that once lit up the bottom of it turned into red fire. The UFO separated into 2 distinct pieces, and they went in their own directions.

Dionisio Llanca October 27th, 1973

A man named Dionisio Llanca was driving home from his uncle’s house on the night of October 27th, 1973. His uncle’s house was in Bahia Blanca and he was on his way to Rio Gallegos as his tire popped and he had to stop in order to change the flat. While he was on the side of the road changing his tire, a bright light shined on him, and he became incapacitated. He recalled seeing a UFO in the air as well as 3 humanoid beings. One of them was female, while two of them were clearly males.

He then spoke on how the 3 alien beings tested him in many different medical ways. He woke up several hours after the medical testing around 10 miles away from where he was changing his tire. He went to the hospital on Oct 30th in order to get checked by doctors due to this alien and UFO encounter.

Fabio Zerpa wrote about this specific encounter in his book titled ‘El Reino Subterraneo’.

The Adhara Observatory UFO Lunar Transit December 1st, 1965:

This sighting happened at 8:30 in the morning in Buenos Aires. There were actually many phone calls about mysterious things on the moon at this time. These phone calls were mostly made to police officers and scientists. The later of the two took focused pictures of the moon on a timer and the result was numerous disk-shaped bodies hovering in front of the moon.

There is speculation that the disc shaped objects seen in the way of the moon were actually mistakes in the development of the film.

Mount Pajarillo January 9th, 1986:

A UFO was said to have landed on the top of Mount Pajarillo in 1986. The report was made by Gabriel Gomez, an 11 year old from the local city Capilla del Monte. After Gomez saw this UFO on top of the mountain there was a print found in the shape of a circle on the ground. This circle imprint was supposedly there as a result of the UFO landing on the ground and pressing/burning it into the ground.

Buenos Aires December 25th, 1988:

In the area of Villa Urquiza, a UFO was spotted by over 7,500 people at one time. This was a well populated province in Argentina, and thus had many available eyes to witness the UFO. While this could be considered mass hysteria, the account also had several incredibly reputable sources for the incident. An airport actually made an official report of the UFO flying westward toward the area of General Paz Ave and it was officially picked up on radar.

Buenos Aires September 17th, 1985:

Many of the UFO sightings within Argentina seem to stem from the Buenos Aires area. This strange sighting was explained away by the government in saying that it was a French MIR weather balloon from South Africa. This weather balloon was apparently from 2 months prier to the sightings, and was the eventual official reasoning for the sightings.

The sightings themselves lasted for over 12 hours and was seen by more than 100,000 individuals. It was described as a flying object that was emitting its own lights.

Cordoba Argentina 1978 – 1994:

There were many UFO-sighting reports made during, and between, the years of 178 and 1994 in the Cordoba area of Argentina. Several different occasions and objects were reported through the space of 16 years in this region. These unidentified flying objects ranged from alien speculation and conspiracy theories to actual video UFO evidence. As these videos are from more than 30 years ago, it is certain that they have not been manipulated in any post production manner, as this was not an option during this time period.

The evidence from this time period may not provide the best ever video evidence of a UFO, it still adds to the piles of sightings and visual proof that has been put together over the many decades.

Buenos Aires October 22nd, 1959:

The Evening Star newspaper published an article on a repeated sighting of an unidentified aquatic vehicle from the Navy. 20 miles east of Camarone Bay, on the Southern Coast of Argentina, the USO (unidentified submerged object) was spotted surfacing in the water.

This changes things a little bit, as this unidentified object was actually under water instead of in the air. There have been other sightings like this around the world, maybe most notably in the United States Navy. UFOs are also sometimes known as UAP or unidentified areal phenomena, but submerged objects are a totally different thing all together.

Argentine Alien Festival:

Every year thousands of people make their way to Capilla del Monte for the alien festival. Whenever this festival takes place, the UFO sightings in Argentina skyrocket. Argentina UFO sightings, while not solely reported during this time and in this area, are largely increased by number due to this specific festival.

Most of the sightings are in Argentina’s capital, Buenos Aires, but this particular time and place generates a great deal of sightings and reports as well.

More than just increasing the numbers of UFO sightings, this festival is plenty of fun for everyone involved, and it provides a great place for like minded individuals to come together and share stories and information as well as party hard. Children and adults alike enjoy their time at this get together.

Recap & Summary:

Now you know some of the most credible and interesting UFO sightings from Argentina. Some of these are from over 60 years ago, and some of them are far more recent. Some of them are from a single child, and some of them come from the Navy itself with radar records and data to back it up. Whether it was one person or thousands of people at the same time, these UFO sightings still were reported and are right here for us to refer back to if we ever need to in the future.

You even got to see historical evidence of an article being published in a newspaper about an unidentified submerged object or USO. That is so unique to the topic, and really provides an added aspect of interest.

Hopefully you found this article interesting and helpful, and if you did there are more just like this right here on this website. You can find more articles and stories like this right here in our UFO category.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )