Vertical Hood Piercing: A Beginner's Guide to VCH Piercing

Are you looking to enhance your sexual pleasure or simply try out a new form of aesthetic jewelry? You should definitely consider a vertical hood piercing! In this article you will learn about the piercing process from start to finish (including insider tips) as well as the history, cultural significance, and different jewelry options for the vertical hood piercing (VCH piercing). Here is your one stop comprehensive guide to vertical hood piercings.


What is a Vertical Hood Piercing (VCH Piercing)?

The vertical hood piercing is a female genital piercing that is placed through the clitoral hood in a vertical placement. This is often done for aesthetic purposes as well as sexual enhancement purposes.

Now that you know the basics of the vertical hood piercing, there is much more to learn such as potential risks, aftercare, and choosing a reputable piercer. Let’s learn all there is to know about this piercing together in this whole article!

What Is a Vertical Hood Piercing, and How Is It Done?

VCH Piercing

A vertical hood piercing (VCH) is a piercing for female genitals that consists of putting a piece of jewelry straight up and down through the clitoral hood.

This process involves a professional piercer using a sterilized needle to create a small hole in the clitoral hood. This is done after the piercer has cleaned the area and marked the location in which the piercing will go. After the hole is made, the piercer will then put in a curved barbell or a captive bead ring.

This whole procedure takes around 3-5 minutes total on average. The pain level is surprisingly tolerated by people usually, as long as the piercer is skilled and reputable.

It is crucial to follow proper aftercare guidelines in order to make sure that you heal properly and decrease any risk of infection or other difficulties.

Why Do People Get Female Genital Piercings?

Female genital piercings

There are many different reasons that someone may want to get a female genital piercing. Body modification can be for everyone, and some women may seek to get a genital piercing for aesthetic purposes, pleasure and sensitivity increase, self-expression, event commemoration, or any number of other personal reasons.

The aesthetic reasoning is due to the visual affect that the piercing has on the area, both for the person receiving it and those that may see the area on the individual. So if you like the look of the piercing, this may be your specific reasoning. Maybe you have a boyfriend or girlfriend and they enjoy the look of the piercing too. This is always a plus if your significant other enjoys the look of the piercing.

Female genital piercings are often known to increase sensitivity in the area and to have an increase in sexual pleasure. This may be a reason for you if you are either not very sensitive, or you simply want to be more sensitive than you already are. Sexual pleasure is an important part in all of our lives, you aren’t alone in thinking this. You are a human being.

If you want to mark a major moment in your life, or a transitional period, this may be the perfect piercing for you. Often, women will get this piercing in order to memorialize an event in this way.

 How Do I Know If I'm a Good Candidate for a Vertical Hood Piercing?

Deciding if you are a good fit as a candidate for a vertical hood piercing (VCH piercing) includes, but isn’t limited to, many different components such as personal preference, anatomy, and health. A VCH piercing is appropriate for most individuals that have a large enough clitoral hood to incorporate the jewelry involved in the product of the piercing process.

The most important thing you can do in order to make sure you are a good fit is consulting a reputable piercer. Determining if you are a good candidate for a VCH piercing is, often times, more nuanced than you may think it is. The piercer will talk with you about topics such as your expectations and your overall health, as well as your anatomy in that specific location. The most important thing that you can do during this step of the process is to be perfectly honest with your piercing professional and upfront with any health concerns you may have. This will provide you with the best path to a successful and safe piercing experience.

How Do I Choose a Reputable Piercer to Perform a Vertical Hood Piercing?

The vertical hood piercing is especially important to find a reputable piercer that is capable of performing the piercing safely and successfully. This is due to the sensitivity of the area, both pain wise and health wise.

You can look into a piercers credentials and experience history as well as reading reviews from their past clients (both good and bad). As far as their credentials go, it is important that you look into any and all licensing and certifications that they may have or need to have in order to perform the piercing properly where you live.

States that require a piercing certification or license
States that require a piercing class

As of now, the states that specifically require a piercer to have a license or certification are as follows:










New Hampshire

New Mexico

New York

North Carolina




South Carolina





It is always important to remember that this may change with time, so be sure to check and see what the regulations are where you live during the time of your piercing.

You should also make sure that your piercer is following proper sterilization protocols and that they are taking great care in hygiene considerations.

There are even piercers that you can find that specialize in female genital piercings and they will have a portfolio of their past work in order for you to see what they can, and have, done.

Having a sit down consultation with the potential piercer before you make the actual appointment is important so you can see if you feel comfortable with their competency as well as their personality and such in general. With such a personal location on the body being pierced, it is crucial that you feel totally comfortable with whoever is going to be your piercer.

You can ask any friends and/or family for recommendations or even go online in search of communities that are specially dedicated to body modifications so you can receive a better insight on this step in the process.

What Should I Expect During the Consultation and Piercing Process?

Vertical hood piercing consultation

During this point in your journey you can expect your piercer to discuss with you the actual piercing process, aftercare instructions, and answer any other questions you might have for them. This is also likely to be the step in which they will assess your anatomy to find out if you are actually a good fit for the piercing itself.

The actual piercing process consists of cleaning the area, marking the piercings location, piercing said location with a sterilized needle, and then inserting the jewelry into the piercing location. This whole process usually takes under 30 minutes from start to finish.

Is Vertical Hood Piercing Painful, and What Is the Healing Time?

While everyone has different levels of pain tolerance, it is most often reported that this particular piercing is only accompanied by mild pain and it doesn’t last long at that. Surely, for the next few days a after you get the piercing it will be sore and sensitive, but this too will subside soon.

Usually, a vertical hood piercing will fully heal in around 4-6 weeks, but it has been known to take up to 3 months for it to fully heal properly as well.

How Much Does a Vertical Hood Piercing Cost?

Vertical hood piercing cost

Of course, the cost of any piercing will vary depending on several different factors such as the shops location, piercers experience level, and what type of jewelry is being used. However, a good price range to expect for this type of piercing is around $50 - $150 for the piercing itself, and then the price of whatever jewelry you choose to put in it as well.

How Can I Prepare for My Vertical Hood Piercing Appointment?

There are actually many things you can do for yourself in order to best prepare for your piercing appointment. You can eat a healthy meal to make sure you don’t get lightheaded during the piercing process. You can also try to avoid consuming any alcohol or blood-thinning medications for around 24 hours before the piercing appointment. Wear comfortable clothing and make sure that the piercing location is completely clean free of any oils, perfumes, or lotions.

What Should I Do If I Feel Nervous or Anxious About Getting a Vertical Hood Piercing?

Feeling nervous or anxious is normal, but if you are worried, it is a good idea to communicate this with your piercer. They do this all the time and with many different types of people and personalities. You are not the first person that they have done this procedure with that feels nervous or anxious. They will be able to talk you through it and help to ease your anxiety.

Bringing a friend or other loved one may also be a good idea in order to provide yourself with a support system during this process. This may be better for you than going into the appointment alone.

What Are the Benefits and Risks of Getting a Vertical Hood Piercing?


The pros and cons of vertical hood piercing:

Pros and cons of vertical hood piercing

Pros (Benefits):

Increased sexual pleasure.

Enhanced aesthetic appeal


Cultural or spiritual significance (if applicable)

Possible enhanced intimacy


Possible increased confidence


Cons (Risks):

Risk of infection


Risk of scaring

Pain & discomfort

Potential for damaged nerves

Potential for difficulty urinating

Possible allergic reactions

Jewelry complications


There are numerous benefits to be had from getting this piercing, but there are also several possible risks that you should be aware of as well. Consider all of the information at your disposal when making your decision to get a VCH piercing.

What Should I Expect During the Aftercare Process for a Vertical Hood Piercing?

Aftercare for a vertical hood piercing is typically very similar to any other piercing that you would get. Cleaning the piercing location with a saline solution or soap and water is key to heal properly and quickly. In addition to this, it is important to avoid sexual activity for at least a week after you get the piercing. Wearing loose clothing is also a good idea in order to prevent irritation that you may otherwise feel from tighter fitting garments.

Sexual activity after piercing is an important aspect to consider.

Most likely, your piercer will provide you with a detailed layout of all of the things you should and should not do for aftercare instructions. It is important to actually follow these instructions so your new piercing can heal properly and quickly.

How Does a Vertical Hood Piercing Enhance Sexual Pleasure?

Enhance sexual pleasure

The vertical hood piercing is able to enhance your sexual pleasure by increasing the stimulus felt from the clitoris during sexual activity. The jewelry rubs against the clitoris and gives you an added sensation. This will give you a more intense orgasm.

Can Anyone Get a Vertical Hood Piercing, or Are There Any Requirements or Limitations?

Anyone that has the anatomy to support the vertical hood piercing can get one, but there are some potential limitations that you should consider.

If you have a medical condition or are taking medications such as the ones listed below, you may not be able to get the piercing:


Bleeding disorder


Immune system disorder

Blood-thinning medication

Specific allergies


Pregnant piercing

If you are pregnant or nursing you should avoid getting any type of piercing because of the risk of infection.

Bleeding disorder piercing

A bleeding disorder such as hemophilia may come with an increased risk of bleeding, and thus will make you less than perfect as a candidate for the VCH piercing.

Diabetes and piercings

Poorly controlled diabetes often comes with slowed healing times, and thus the increased risk for infection from the piercing is inevitable.

Immune system disorders and piercings

Immune system disorders such as lupus or HIV/AIDS can increase the risk of infection as well.

Blood-thinning medications and piercings

If you are on blood-thinning medications such as warfarin or aspirin, you may be at greater risk of bleeding more than the average person, and thus you may not be the perfect fit for the VCH piercing.

Allergies and piercings

If you have specific allergies, such as allergies to the metals involved in the piercing process or jewelry, you will likely not be a good fit for the piercing itself.

Are There Any Alternatives to Vertical Hood Piercing for Enhancing Sexual Pleasure?

There are different methods that are able to enhance your sexual pleasure that are not genital piercing. Some of these options are adult sex toys and devices that are specifically made and design in order to stimulate the clitoris and the use of various techniques and positions during sexual intercourse that can also enhance the sexual experience. Alternative sexual pleasure methods can involve a number of different topics and objects.

As far as piercings go, there are actually a few specific options that may help increase sexual pleasure and will serve as an alternative to the vertical hood piercing.


The following are some of those examples:

Triangle piercing

Princess Albertina piercing

Inner labia piercing


The triangle piercing is a horizontal piercing that is placed just below the clitoral hood. This piercing can stimulate the clitoral shaft as well as the vestibular bulbs that are found on each side of the vaginal opening.

The Princess Albertina piercing is a genital piercing for females that is done through the urethra. This is known to provide stimulation directly to the urethral sponge as well as the G-spot.

The inner labia piercing is located on the inner folds of the labia minora. This specific piercing is known to increase sensitivity during sexual activity. While not directly stimulating the clitoris, it does enhance the feelings felt during sex.

How Long Can I Expect a Vertical Hood Piercing to Last, and Is It Reversible?

The piercing can easily last indefinitely with proper aftercare, lifestyle habits, and an anatomy that is fit for it. This is true, but depending on different aspects it may only last you a few years. This is why it is important to take proper care of the piercing in order to ward off infections and keep the piercing longer. Some individuals may experience some issues due to any, or all, of these factors and the piercing may have to be removed due to complications. If you fail to properly take care of the piercing immediately after receiving it during the after care process, you may be forced to remove it even sooner.

Reversibility of piercing:

Speaking of reversibility, it is removable and reversable, but this may leave a small scar in the location that the piercing once was.

What Should I Do If I Experience Complications or Discomfort After Getting a Vertical Hood Piercing?

If you, unfortunately, experience any complications after you get the vertical hood piercing, you should consult your professional piercer and/or a healthcare professional. Feeling any discomfort should lead you to doing this as soon as possible.

Vertical hood piercing complications

Some of the most common issues that can come up with genital piercings are infections, migration, allergic reactions, and other rejections. It is incredibly important that if you feel or see any signs of discomfort or complications in these ways that you seek medical attention as soon as you can. These symptoms may include things such as redness of the area, swelling, and/or discharge.

Piercing migration happens when a piercing moves to a different location on the body over time after it is put in. This happens gradually and it can be cause by a number of different things such as incorrect jewelry size, excessive movement, trauma to the piercing, and/or improper aftercare. It can also come from the jewelry style being wrong for the actual piercing type as well. This can often be painful and even lead to piercing actually migrating all the way out of your body entirely.

Rejection occurs when the piercing is actually pushed out of your body directly from the location of the piercing. A lot of different things can cause this like an allergic reaction, infection, excessive movement, trauma to the piercing itself, bad placement, rejection of the material, or jewelry style. Similarly, to the migration of the piercing, these things can be painful and can result in the piercing being lost all together as well as the addition of a scar in its place. If you leave this issue untreated, it will be worse both as it pertains to pain scale and results.

When Can I Engage in Sexual Activity After Getting a Vertical Hood Piercing?

4-12 weeks

One of the most important things to consider when getting your vertical hood piercing (VCH piercing) is to wait until the piercing is completely healed before you engage in any sexual activity. Healing time varies depending on different variables such as aftercare procedure and your overall health, however, it usually takes around 4-12 weeks for this piercing to heal all the way.

The most important consideration for you to take when asking this question is listening to what your professional piercer has to say on the matter. Ask for the green light on sexual activity to make sure you are good to go.

What Are Some Tips for Maintaining Good Genital Health with a Vertical Hood Piercing?

This is super important with a piercing such as this. While it is important to keep good hygiene and maintenance with any piercing, a genital piercing is even more important in this topic.

Tips for VCH piercing

Improving your health and longevity of the piercing will have a strong correlation to your ability and consistency to do the following things:

Keep the piercing clean and dry

Avoid harsh soaps and/or chemicals

Wear looser fitting clothes

Wait for sexual activity until it is healed

Practice safe sex

Eat healthy

Lead a healthy lifestyle


It is important to take into consideration the overall health of your body when thinking about the healing process. Eating healthy and living a healthier lifestyle will increase the chances that you are able to keep the piercing for the rest of your life as well as decrease the healing time.

Can I Go Swimming or Take a Bath After Getting a Vertical Hood Piercing?

Vertical hood piercing and swimming

You should avoid swimming or taking a bath directly after getting your vertical hood piercing. Submerging your new piercing under water in places such as hot tubs, swimming pools, lakes, oceans, or even the bathtub can add bacteria to the piercing which can cause an infection. The recommendation is to not submerge the piercing under water until the piercing is healed completely. This usually takes around 4-6 weeks, but can also take up to 12 weeks on average as well.

If you take a shower, it is a good idea to try to keep the piercing as dry as possible and try to not use any harsh chemicals or soaps on the area.

Vertical Hood Piercing Jewelry Options:


Captive bead rings

Captive Bead Rings – These are commonly used for vertical hood piercings due to their ease of insertion and removal as well as their ability to allow movement of the actual jewelry itself. This can further enhance sexual pleasure as well as ease of use and aftercare.

If you want to learn more about captive bead rings you can find our article on them here on our website.


Straight barbell

Straight Barbells – These straight barbells are usually used for the initial piercing because they allow room for swelling in the time directly after the piercing process. These can be replaced by other types of jewelry after the piercing has been healed fully.


Curved barbell piercing

Curved Barbells – These curved barbells are often used with the vertical hood piercing as they organically follow the natural curve of the body. This provides you with a comfortable fit in comparison with some other jewelry options.


Circular Barbells – These circular barbells are sort of similar to captive bead rings, but they are more streamlined in their shape. This means that they are actually less likely to get snagged on your clothes or any other objects.

Cultural and Historical Significance of The Vertical Hood Piercing:

Many modern piercing practitioners believe that the vertical hood piercing may have been done throughout many different cultures as a way of marking a rite of passage for females, enhancing sexual pleasure, and as another form of body modification for aesthetic reasons.

In some Middle East cultures such as the Sumerians and the Babylonians, it was common practice to perform female genital piercings.

In some African cultures it was used as a sort of “coming of age” ritual as well as a status symbol.

The Bamileke people from Cameroon are known to have practiced female genital piercings that were called “Nguan”. This was known to be a rite of passage for the females of their civilization.

The Hausa people from Nigeria practiced a form of genital piercings for females that they called “Zara”. This was used as a symbol of female fertility and beauty within their culture.

The Bantu people from Central Africa had some groups perform female genital piercings as a form of aesthetic enhancement as well as sexual pleasure enhancement.

The Beja people from Sudan and Egypt practiced female genital piercings as a form of traditional medicine. They firmly believed that the piercing could treat different conditions such as difficult childbirth and infertility.

Recap & Summary:

Now you know all of the details that have to do with a vertical hood piercing (VCH piercing). For this body modification you have learned about the specific piercing aftercare, piercing pain, piercing cost, the risks and benefits, piercing healing time, consultation and appointment process, and any anxiety or complications that may result from the piercing.

One of the biggest topics that you got to learn about with this piercing was the enhancement of sexual pleasure.

It is important for you to find a reputable piercer and keep up with genital health and hygiene.

It is also important to consider the piercing requirements in your anatomy, allergies, bleeding disorders, pregnancy, diabetes, or other health issues. If you have one or more of these, you may not be a good candidate for the vertical hood piercing.


Hopefully you enjoyed this article and you got to learn some new information about the vertical hood piercing (VCH piercing). If you did and you are interested in seeing more like this, there are actually several different articles just like this right here in our Body Modifications and Piercings categories.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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