"Exploring the Strange World of Bizarre Sex Fetishes: A Deep Dive into the Uncommon and Unconventional"

Strange and Bizarre Sex

There are many strange sex stories out there in the world. Bizarre sexual fantasies, weird and bizarre sex acts, and more. We are searching for a strange fact or two together here in this article that will make you say “Uhhh… what?”


Someone has got the bed bug

Allow me to paint a strange picture for you. A man is in public and having intercourse with a mattress. You’re welcome. This actually happened in real life. This man was arrested and convicted of this public indecency and had 72 prior convictions on his record! How do you let someone like this continue to roam the streets and make vigorous love to beds?

Bizarre sex - Man makes love to bed

Rafts and benches and street signs oh my

There is a man from Ohio that has been caught 3 times having sex with an inflatable raft! This is definitely strange, but possibly even more bizarre is the case of a man having sex with a park bench. The man was taken to the hospital WITH the bench still stuck around him. Wow… just wow. How do you top that one? Oh, I know! How about by having sex with a street sign? Well, there is actually someone out there that has gotten caught doing this. After they got in trouble, police officers found more than 2 years worth of video of him doing this with street signs all over town. Well, if that’s not bizarre I don’t know what is.

Bizarre sex - rafts and such

Bizarre but legal

Let’s take a quick break from talking about people that have gotten in trouble and arrested for their lascivious endeavors and talk about people that do it… well… the “right way”?… I guess.

There are individuals in this world that are having sexual thoughts about balloons at this very moment. They classify themselves as “poppers” and “non-poppers”. The poppers get aroused by the sound and result of, you guessed it, balloons popping. The non-poppers have a more nuanced relationship with these balloons, however. They cuddle, kiss, hug, and… well… have adult time with them.

There is a show on Netflix called “Paradise PD”. In this show, one of the main characters has a relationship with a car. This isn’t just for adult cartoons, however, because in the real world, there are people that actually have this reality. There are people that have complete relationships with vehicles including kissing, hugging, cuddling, talking, and even sexy time. This has to be considered a mental illness.

Bizarre sex - cars and balloons

Not Affiliated…

Let’s get right back to the people who do these strange sex acts and get into legal trouble as a result. There was a report of a man that had a sexual encounter with roadkill. Yup, a deer on the side of the road apparently wasn’t having a bad enough day already having been hit by a vehicle. This man decided to make a passionate whoopie with what we can only hope was his first and last roadkill animal. Is this necrophilia or Beastiality? Actually, never mind. I am thinking too much about this.

A little bit of hot pocket lovin’

So, there is only so much you can say about the world we live in today and preaching on the myriad of issues that we face as a whole in our current society. What is wrong with people today when we have someone having sex with a hot pocket in order to get more retweets? It’s just sad and wrong. I swear that Idiocracy was a documentary instead of a fictional movie. At least he isn’t able to procreate with the hot pocket and make offspring that are ready in under 2 minutes with a microwave.

Mr. Gorbachev take down these walls!

There is a woman that has married the berlin wall. Her name is Erika Eiffel, and she says that she has a great relationship with the wall and it fulfills her sexual needs…

Bizarre sex - Berlin wall

I can’t get past the fact that she is able to somehow bump biscuits with a wall. For that matter, is the wall a man or a woman wall? I guess it would be non-binary as the kids say huh? That is just simply unsanitary. At least take a piece of it home and clean it really well and do your stuff behind closed doors in the comfort of your own bed. Just make sure the first guy from this article isn’t around or your bed is in danger as well.

Snake to Snake

There is an actual video that you can find of a man having relations with a snake. The snake is wrapped around the man’s thing in the video and the rest is obvious. The man apparently hasn’t been caught for this act, but if he ever is he certainly needs to be legally held accountable. It’s not like experimenting in college, this is an animal, and you are a human… a weird human for sure.

The ol’ “Ohio noodle”

Well, we find ourselves back in the great “fly around it” state of Ohio for this one. What is it with people from Ohio and doing stuff with non-human things? Anyways, there was an Ohio man that was found on the side of the road with no clothes on going at it with a pink pool noodle. This was his fifth time having sex with an inanimate object. There were 3 previous times with pool floaties and one time with a pumpkin among these strange sex acts.

Bizarre sex - Pool noodle

This has to be drug-fueled right? I can’t think of much else that would drive a person to do things to a pool noodle, much less in public on the side of the road. People say Florida is bad…


In Brazil there was a man caught on camera with a mannequin getting fresh doing the no-pants dance. He did his thing and then left. What a way to treat the mannequin, they have feelings too you know. No cuddling or anything.

Actually, come to think of it, didn’t Eminem beat this guy to the punch here? Yeah, I’m pretty sure this was already done and this guy is just a copycat at this point. What a stan.

Well… that was weird. Thank you for traveling down this very odd path with me and learning some strange facts together. Bizarre sexual happenings are really awkward and we hope you are much more vanilla than all of these people. I don’t know about you, but I think I need to go take a shower now with lots of soap. Bleh.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article!

Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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