Rare Flowers: The Most Unique in Nature

Rare Flowers

Rare flowers can be found all around the world. Some of them love dry hot climates, and some love cool shady areas. There are massive flowers bigger than the average person and ones that are so small that you cant even see them with the naked eye. In this article we are going to visit some of the most unique and rare flowers the world has to offer.

Buddhist Udambara

Rare Flowers

This is one of the rarest plants in the world, and by far one of the rarest flowers. Completely grown adult flowers only get up to around 1 mm across. This means that not only is it rare to see them bloom, but even if you do come across this flower, it may be difficult to see it anyways with the human eye. Of course, this makes it even more rare to actually spot for yourself. Buddhists, tell the story of this flower only blooming once every three centuries.

Bleeding Heart

Rare Flowers

This beautiful flower is named because of its shapes that hangs down off of the stem of the plant. This flower is supposed to stand for the rejection of love or love that is not reciprocated. These flowers are difficult to find because I they get too much sun; they will go away for the rest of the summer season. They thrive in the cool shady areas the most. They can reach up to 3 feet tall and 3 feet wide in about 2 months’ time. This plant is also extremely toxic to both animals and people. Usually, this flower can be found in Asia. Bleeding heart vines and bleeding-heart flowers are two totally different things. Bleeding heart vines are found in Africa generally.

Bee Orchid

Rare Flowers

This plant is a spring and summer blooming flower that mimics the look of a bee. The outside of the flower looks like a normal average flower, but the middle of it looks like the body of a female bee. this mechanism has been developed over time in order to attract the male sex of bee to the flower. This is done for two reasons. Reason number one being that this will increase cross pollination from bees as a transport mechanism. Reason number two is to ward off any other animals that may want to try to eat the flower. Attempting to eat a flower that currently has a B on. It increases the chances of getting stung and this will defend against being eaten.

Stinking Corpse Lily

Rare Flowers

This flower is also called the Titan Arum. This is the biggest flower species in the world. These plans can reach over 20 feet tall and 17 feet wide. Not only is it tall and wide however, but it can get up to as much as 350 pounds. The smell, the emanates from these flowers is described as one of the worst smells you can come across. It is equated to the smell of death.

Black Bat Flower

Rare Flowers

The Black Bat flower was found and named in 1901 and is unusual mostly due to its natural black colored flowers. The flower petals themselves can grow a foot across and they have long cat like whiskers that can grow to over 2 feet in length. As far as the height of the plant goes, they can reach 3feet tall on average. These are found mostly in Malaysia, Thailand, and parts of southern China.

Night Blooming Cereus

Rare Flowers

This is a flower that blooms from a cactus usually found in China. These Beautiful, lightly colored flowers bloom only one night out of every year. They are actually part of the blooming process of a cacti species. They are extremely rare to see as they usually only last for the single night on an annual basis, and it’s at nighttime too.

These flowers are actually a delicacy to the Cantonese people that use it to make soup with. Some of these flowering plants actually produce fruit as well, and these are also eaten by the local people. These flowers have been grown in order to be sold since the late 20th century.

The Middlemist's Red camellia

(The rarest flower in the world)


Rare Flowers

There are only 2 places in the world that this flower is growing. The United Kingdom has this flower growing in the Chiswick House and Gardens, and New Zealand has it in the Treaty House. This flower actually has a lot of benefits to health including anti-cancer properties and heart health uses as well. The flower is high in antioxidants. Not only this, but the flower can be used to increase hair and skin health and beauty as well.


This plant is not found in any natural settings currently and is only found to be grown in greenhouses and such. If you are able to acquire a cut of this plant and you place it directly into water, it will take up to 2 months for the roots to take effect. This is, of course, if they do at all. If you get the roots to grow enough, you can then move it to a lightly shaded area if they temperature is just right. There is only a very small chance that you will be able to get this plant to grow, but it is possible.

Recap & Summary

In this article we found a few different plants that are some of the rarest flowers in the world. Some of them are huge with massive size and weight, and others are nearly impossible to find. All of them are gorgeous and are a perfect example of why you should take in the beauty around you found in nature every single day. Whenever you can, try to find one of these for yourself. Who knows, maybe one day they won’t be around for you to get that chance anymore.

One of the most interesting parts about this entire article, personally, was that the Stinking Corpse Lily was actually used as inspiration for a Pokémon. I never would have guessed that, and now that I know that it is definitely one of my favorites. Which one of these rare flowers is your favorite?


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )


Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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