A.I. Made a Scary Monster Face: Premium Royalty Free Images

Welcome to the Scary Monster Faces


Are you looking for royalty free high res images of scary monster faces? If you are, this is the exact place that you will find those creepy horror filled pictures!


In This Article:


This is the location in which you can browse through images that artificial intelligence generated to look like haunted Halloween monsters. All of these pictures are royalty free and made by a machine for your viewing and use.


So, let’s go take a look at these nightmare face illustrations!

The Hundred Toe Fat Monster:

Scary monster face

What… There is so much going on here in this picture. The eyes of this creature are bulging out of its head, its tongue is curled up and sticking out, and it looks to be about 1,000 pounds. Not to mention it literally has more than 30 toes on its feet. I counted them. It looks like one of those people from the Wall-e movie, but if they turned into a zombie or something.

This monster needs a v neck. On second thought, this monster needs a neck of its own in general. At least its house is clean. I can’t imagine this things cleans its own house, so it should have a good maid. Actually, come to think of it, how is this thing even standing up?

The Fish from Hell:

Scary monster face

Good lord almighty, this piranha has lava in its eyes! This creature looks like it is some sort of interdimensional parasite that comes in waves of thousands in order to wipe out entire species. You cant tell if it is large or small, and the vagueness here is only adding to the scariness of this picture.

Wait, are the eyes of this fish creature getting ready to shoot lasers like the big blue boy scout? That is just about the only thing that could possibly make this monster any scarier. Being able to shoot blazing heat rays from its eyeholes that are capable of burning through metal, flesh, and bone.

The Evil Female Dragon:

Scary monster face

This dragon picture comes complete with a background even. It looks like it was pulled straight out of a Harry Potter video or videogame. This is actually a female dragon and you can tell that by the color and shape of its eyes. Only kidding, I have no clue how to tell the sex of a dragon.

The teeth on this dragon are very clearly as big as your leg, and could surely remove it on accident they are so sharp. Let’s all just be thankful that this one doesn’t have laser eyes like the piranha fish creature from earlier in the article. Not 100% sure if the thing even has a body, or if it just floats around the world as a harmful head full of hate and spear teeth. Either way, no thank you please.

The Vector Clown:

Scary monster face

This image is so clean and high resolution that nearly feels like a photo from a real-life creepy clown monster. Imagine being a kid and having a birthday party and this is what shows up. You want to find out the quickest way to traumatize a whole school of little children? Just book this guy and you’ll have your answer.

If someone were to write a book or videogame about the god of clowns or the evil clown leader of mystical background, this would be the perfect fit. His hands are blue, and those aren’t gloves. That is his skin, so unless he paints every inch of his skin, he is not human.

The Not so Popular Clown:

Scary monster face

Uh oh, it’s the Russian clown back for another one. We saw him in another one of our articles earlier. Some may see this as the scariest monster on this list, because it is actually real. This is a selfie that Putin the clown took in his mirror at home.

It really is crazy to think that A.I. can make an actual person from real life look like they are dressed up as a children’s birthday clown. Technology and machines are so impressive. Just 30 years ago you never would have thought that it would be so easy to make something look so realistic like this.

WOW’s Version of a Scary Monster Face:

Scary monster face

This looks like it’s from an editorial piece on World of Warcraft if it had an evil clown character that you could play as. Centaur clown is a playable character now? Enough jokes, this guy looks serious. No clue what those white balled up tusk things are near the corners of this monsters mouth, but the mystery is adding to the creepiness.

Whether those are horns or parts to a jester hat on top of the head to this monster, it is sketchy to say the least. Maybe they are his horns, but he wrapped them up to make them look like they are part of a jesters hat and more clown like. That is dedication. Scary dedication.

The Stock Photos Demon:

Scary monster face

This is obviously a business demon. The demon in this picture looks like a big bad powerful business tycoon that has his demon minion business men around him ready to do his bidding. Actually, this looks like a stock photo of a demon in a business meeting with other demons.

The dark and dimly lit room that these demons are in features a table at which the demons are congregating with their fallen angel drinks (coffee) and evil writing equipment (paper and pen). They are definitely making plans to take over the world in some way. This must be what the illuminati looks like.

Recap & Summary:

In this article you got to see some of the creepiest and scariest pictures of monsters and monster faces that are on the internet. A.I. generated all of these pictures as original and royalty free, so feel free to use them as you see fit. You have a few to choose from as you browse through them all. From demon business men to evil clown gods, you have some really horrifying images to use in whatever it is your project is.

If you enjoyed reading this article and looking at these scary pictures, there are more just like this right HERE.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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