10 Facts About the Book of Enoch: Angels, Demons, & Giants

Why Stay Away From the Book of Enoch?


The book of Enoch is said to be a book from the bible that wasn’t included on purpose. These scriptures are over 2,000 years old and includes stories about giants as well as angels and demons. Why stay away from the book of Enoch? Here are some reasons.



The Book of Enoch drastically contradicts the rest of the Books in the Bible. Angels can’t look at God. There are angels kept in a prison in Heaven. Demons repented for their sins. Heaven is described differently, and the Devil isn’t the only named demon. All of this is from the Book of Enoch.


Let’s look at some interesting facts about the Book of Enoch!

Azazel – The Demon that God Blames for All Evil on Earth:

10 facts about the book of enoch

Enoch 10:8-9 says that the Earth has been corrupted by Azazel and that all sin on Earth is this demon’s fault.

The Book of the Watchers states, “And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the Earth and the art of working with them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures.”.

This is to say that, essentially, all war and desires of the flesh and objects is to the fault of Azazel teaching man about them and how to use them for those purposes.

The Book of the Watchers:

why avoid the book of enoch

The book of the watchers is the 1st book in the series, and is said to date from around 300 B.C. This is considered to be the oldest of these 3 books called the ‘Books of Enoch’, with the ‘Book of Parables’ being the last of the 3.

Nephilim AKA Giants:


The word Nephilim is translated from Hebrew into the word “giants”. Some of the translations from Hebrew also call this name “fallen Angels”. These were Demigods that were a direct result of Angels coming down to Earth to create babies with human women.

In Genesis 6:1-4 there is found to be one of the only references to these giants in the more widely recognized books of the bible. This reference to the Nephilim, however, was not made abundantly clear and some believe that this is not exactly what was being referenced after all.

The first book of Enoch says that these giants were 300 cubits, which means 450 feet tall or 140 meters. This is because 1 cubit = 1.5 feet.

Demons Repentance:

10 facts about the book of enoch

The book of Enoch actually says that the Demons repented for their sins. The more recognized Bible says the exact opposite of this. In the book of Matthew, it clearly states that the outcome for all demons is hellfire, and only hellfire. This means that the Demons did not repent for their sins according to the Bible.

Interesting Facts About the Book of Enoch in Todays Beliefs:

10 facts about the book of enoch

Not one of these 3 books are recognized as scripture that is cannon to the rest of the bible by almost all of the Christians and Jewish people. However, 2 Ethiopian churches accept it as cannon within their own beliefs. The Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church and the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church are 2 of the only churches in the world that recognize these books of Enoch as canonical scripture.

History of the Books of Enoch:

10 facts about the book of enoch

There are several writers from the 1st century, 2nd century, and the 3rd century that have referenced and quoted these books. The New Testament also references these books more than once. A prominent reference in the New Testament is found in Jude 1:14-15 and it quotes the first Book of Enoch 1:9.

The Description of Heaven is Different:

Heaven is described as having streets that are made of pure gold in the Book of Revelation. On the other hand, the ground is said to be made from crystal in the Book of Enoch.

Angels and God:


The Book of Enoch 14:21-22 says “None of the Angels could enter and could behold his face by reason of the magnificence and glory.”

As a complete contrast to this statement made in the Book of Enoch, the Book of Matthew 18:10 says “Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven.”

This means that the Book of Enoch is saying that angels can not look at God, but the rest of the bible clearly states that Jesus himself tells specifically that angels can and do look at God on a regular basis.

There are Angels Locked Away in Heaven:

10 facts about the book of enoch

In Enoch 21:9-10 it is said that there are certain angels kept locked away in a location within Heaven to be kept there forever. This is explicitly stated to be the prison of the angels and is described as a fearful place full of pain.

Again, in a polarizing view the Book of Revelations 12:3-4&9 says that 1 out of every 3 angels were cast out of Heaven completely for choosing the side of Satan. Not only does the Bible never speak about any angels being kept as prisoners inside of Heaven, but it specifically talks about how the Devil and his fallen angels will burn in a lake of fire on Earth.

Science & the Bible/Book of Enoch:

10 facts about the book of enoch

Enoch is said to have counted every single star in the night sky in chapter 33 verse 1-4 of the Book of Enoch. Not only was he said to have counted all of the stars, but he also apparently mapped all of them as well.

Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 22 says that there are simply too many stars to count and/or map out. This is more based in reality as there are said to be more than 100,000,000,000,000 stars just in our galaxy, let alone the rest of the universe. There are many millions of other galaxies within the universe, and possibly infinite as it pertains to our current knowledge of things.

Recap & Summary:

Enoch, being the Great-grandfather to Noah, is the supposed author to these books. This is said, by some, to be the first book of the Bible. However, most do not subscribe to this belief, as they find too many contradictions in the writing and figure it to have actually been written by someone long after the time of Enoch himself.

So much is to be said about the Book of Enoch, also known as 1 Enoch, and the major differences found inside of it from the rest of the biblical writings. From demons repenting for their sins, to the very structure of Heaven itself; the Book of Enoch seems to go against the rest of the scriptures in a very black and white fashion.

Now you know a little bit more about angels, demons, giants, and Enoch. Hopefully you enjoyed this article, and if you did there are more right HERE just like this one.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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