What Does the Bible Say About Ghosts? - A Definitive Answer

What Does the Bible Say About Ghosts?


The Bible actually has a lot to say about ghosts. If you are wondering if the Bible says ghosts are real or not, there are many specific verses that you can look at in this article to learn a definitive answer to your question. By the end of this article, you will know 100% what the Bible has to say about ghosts and the paranormal.




The Bible actually, in a roundabout way, does say that ghosts are real. Demons are known to possess humans and also appear to people as ghostly figures of deceased humans. This means that the Bible says that ghosts are Demons disguising themselves for evil reasons in order to haunt people.



Let’s see some of the specific Bible verses and information that gives us our detailed answer!

The King James Version of the Bible:

what does the bible say about ghosts

This version of the Bible of Christianity is more modernized than the original and was put out into the world in 1611 by King James the sixth. It serves as the translation into English from Hebrew. The New Testament and other books have been based off of this translation for many years after. The Bible has many things to say about spirits and ghosts, but they may not be what you think.

Spirits and Souls of People:

According to the bible verses, that I actually read myself, there are both good and bad versions of spirits and spirit beings. The Bible, however, goes against the idea that human spirits are able to stay on Earth in order to carry out any hauntings. This is incredibly helpful information as we move further into our research on this topic and touch on the nuances and details of what the Bible says about ghosts.


“Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement.” Hebrews 9:27

Heaven & Hell, but No In-between:

what does the bible say about ghosts

In seeking this information, we first need to understand that the bible states in a clear and concise manner that there is only Heaven or Hell for a persons soul once they die. In Philippians 1:23 it is said that the destination for those who believe in God will be Heaven. On the opposite side of this aspect, Matthew 25:46 says that Hell is the ultimate destination for the non-believer.

The paranormal doesn’t have a place in the verses of the Bible. If a person passes away, they cannot stay in the world as a ghost.

Angels & Demons:

what does the bible say about ghosts

So, are ghosts real in the Bible? Well, yes. The Bible does say that there are ghosts that are able to make contact with the humans on Earth. These spirits are known as Angels and Demons. Angels are spirit beings that are good and serve God in all they do. Demons, on the other hand, are fallen Angels that have gone against God. These Demons are evil and pretend to be Angels in order to carry out their unholy deeds according to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15.

Possible Ghost Hauntings According to the Bible:

If you are a human being walking this planet, there is a chance that you could be haunted by a ghost according to the Bible. As you learned in the section above, about Angels and Demons, these Demons actually pretend to be Angels in order to perform their evil acts on any person they can find. This means that there is a strong likelihood that these fallen ones could absolutely disguise themselves as a once living human in order to haunt still living people.

what does the bible say about ghosts

In Mark 5:1-20 Demons actually possessed a human man in order to haunt a graveyard. While this is not the traditional sense of the word ghost, it can certainly be seen as fitting of the category in most ways. These Demons kill, steal, and destroy, according to the bible. The possession of a person, and the ability to disguise their appearance into a dead human, coupled with their evil intentions makes for the perfect set of attributes in order to be seen as ghosts from the bible.

If they are able to get their hands on a person and lead them astray from the holy ghost, their mission is a success. These Demons pose as prophets, even of modern times, and will do anything they can to change your mind about the Bible, Jesus, and God. If this means coming to you as a “ghost” of a recently deceased loved one, they will certainly make that their strategy.

Paranormal Events Explained by the Bible:

what does the bible say about ghosts

Ghouls, ghosts, poltergeists, specters, spirits, phantoms, apparitions, and more paranormal phenomena can be explained by Bible verses about Demons. Not only do these, clearly evil happenings, relate to Demons from the Bible, but more sneaky paranormal events can be attributed to them as well.

Even if it seems as if the supernatural event is a positive one, it can still be due to the nefarious work of a Demon. If a psychic is telling you that they can see and/or speak with a dead person, this could possibly be the tool of a fallen angel in order to deceive you and corrupt your beliefs. According to the Bible, they will be happy to give you real information that is true from the dead individual if it means they can control you and your thoughts in return.

Recap & Summary:

Now you know exactly what the Bible has to say about ghosts and spirits in the paranormal sense. Demons actually change their appearance and come to you in many shapes and forms in order to complete their wicked deeds. This means that they can, and do, come to you as ghosts. Not only this, but they can show up as humans that have been possessed in order to haunt other humans. They can also use other forms of paranormal mediums, such as psychics, to fulfill their needs to lead you astray from the path of light.

You have your definitive answer, and you know a lot more about the Bible and what it has to say about ghosts and spirits. If you liked this article and enjoyed learning this type of information, there are more articles just like this on our website right HERE.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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