Evil Eye Bracelet Meaning: Detailed History & Best Options

Right here is all of the information you will need on the evil eye and the Nazars meant to protect against it. Wearing these symbols will provide you with great protection. Learn how and why in this detailed article.

Evil eye bracelet meaning

What does the evil eye bracelet mean?

The meaning of the evil eye bracelet is to protect the wearer from any evil gaze from another person. Evil thoughts, feelings, spirits, etc. are all repelled by the evil eye bracelet.


Let’s get into learning about the details and history behind the evil eye and the charms that protect against it.

Evil Eye Bracelet Meaning:

evil eye

To understand the meaning behind the evil eye bracelet, we have to first fully understand the meaning behind the evil eye symbol itself. The evil eye, and thus the meaning behind it, is around 5,000 years old. It is said to be a curse. Many of the cultures from the Asian countries and the Mediterranean area have actually viewed the evil eye as a bringer of adversity and harm. For the people that believe it to bring harm to others, it is seen as a symbol that you give to someone without them knowing. It is a method of bringing misfortune to someone you do not like.

On the other hand, and the more recent meaning behind this symbol, the evil eye is meant to be a nasty power versus those who desire harm on others. A sort of bully repellent from the bad in the world for the innocent people out there. Wearing this symbol as a charm, beads, or on a bracelet in any way can help protect you from those that want the worst for you along your journey.

Nearly half of the world’s population believes in the evil eye and the spiritual meaning behind it.

nazar pendent

Wearing a certain amulet, charm, or other piece of jewelry is meant to provide the wearer with protection from the evil gaze of others. The names of these are usually referred to as apotrpaia which translate into the word prophylactic which means “turns away” and “protective”. These Apotropaic charms also come in different names from other cultures around the world. For example, the evil eye, in Trinidad and Tobago is called the Maljo.

Specific charms that were worn and meant to keep evil away were called Nazars, Hamsas, and . These were talismans meant to protect the wearer, and more than 20 civilizations believed in and practiced wearing these symbols. Some of these civilizations and cultures include Egypt, Afghanistan, Romania, Greece, India, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, and Turkey. The later made these Nazar from glass including a great deal of color within the design including different shades of blue, white, black, and gold. These colors often included the color blue, for non-religious reasons, and the color black which was seen as a helpful color in the efforts to keep evil away.

Nazars evil eye

While these amulets and symbols are meant to protect and reflect against negative gazes from others, some cultures believe that adding other items to the jewelry may help absorb the negative energy as well. For example, in Senegal, the addition of seashells was actually supposed to absorb the evil energies until it turned darker in color and eventually broke. Similarly, a “gris-gris” can also be worn in this fashion and stems from African voodoo.

Nazars AKA Evil Eye Bracelets to Buy:

Evil eye bracelet

There are actually plenty of these evil eye bracelets that you can find and purchase for your own. Now that you have learned all about how these charms and tendons can help you you can have one for your own protection against evil spirits.   

Here are some of the best options for evil eye bracelets that we have found.


Some of them are different colors, and some of them are made from different materials. There are also some that are necklaces and pendants, instead of only having bracelets.

This first bracelet is a very traditional style bracelet with glass beads, and the Nazar evil eye pendant. It also stays true to tradition by having different shades blue colors.

Also, offered by the same company is a Nazar pendant necklace.





You can find this Nazar bracelet here.

This bracelet is made out of string and is tied in 7 knots which gives the addition of meaning, and having 7 knots for seven dimensions of reality. While this one seems more simple in a tangible sense, given the materials that it is made out of, the meaning is even more due to the specific number of knots tide in the string. The string also comes in several different colors to fit your personal taste.





Usual Price:



This 7 knot evil eye bracelet is right here on Amazon.

Why only have one style and/or a color of bracelet? With this one order you can get 36 different colors and styles of Nazar evil eye bracelets in order to match any and every outfit you have in your closet. This truly is the best way to go if you like to mix and match in your aesthetic.





Click this link to see the set of 36 evil eye bracelets.

This one order offers, you not only a Nazar evil eye bracelet, but also several necklaces and earrings as well. There are the usual pendants, and there is also the evil eye protecting symbol inside of a key that goes on the end of a necklace. The best part in my opinion is the airings. These are pretty unique as evil eye earrings aren’t usually seen too often.





Usual Price:



 Click here to see the evil eye necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.

Finally, these evil eye bracelets are metal. Usually evil eye bracelets are made with glass beads or string with a pendant. These bracelets are made from metal and are plated with gold so if you are looking to dress up nice and go out looking fancy, but you still want protection against evil spirits. These are the perfect fit for you.




 Click this link to see the metal Nazar bracelet.

Recap & Summary:

Now you know some of the history behind the evil eye and what it actually symbolizes. This protection against evil spirits comes in many different colors, but the most prominent color is usually blue. Blue evil eye protection charms are found across many different ancient cultures spanning back over thousands of years. What evil spirits can get past the protection of the evil eye charm? The answer is no evil can get past the Nazars, as they are the perfect protection from evil.

The meaning behind these beautiful pieces of jewelry is clear, and it has been since before the time of Jesus.

Hopefully you enjoyed this article and learning about the Nazars in their goal to protect people from the ancient evil eye. If you did enjoy this article you can find more just like it right here in our Information & Learning sections, or in our Stuff You Can Buy category.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )
Christopher Knox

Christopher is a Doctorate student for Psychoanalysis and therapy. He runs the website as the webmaster and creates all content for the oddities blog.


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