The Backrooms Entity List: Info & Ranked on Creepiness
If you are searching for a back rooms entity list, this is the spot for you. Here we will be making a ranked tier list of the creepiest entities within the back rooms.
So, which of the back rooms entity’s is the creepiest?
Bone thieves are the creepiest backroom entities that there are. With one gaze into their eyes located in their mouth, your bones will disappear and they will eat you.
There are well over 1000 entities known to occupy the back rooms. Not all of these 1000+ entities and anomalies are specifically known. Neither is their location. However, many of them are known down to the detail and the locations that they are usually found are as well. While there is simply too many entities to go over in this short article, we will be making a tier list based on the creepiest entities within the backrooms.
In this tier list, the creepiest of the creepy will be at the top in the red category labeled S. The least creepy category will be in the green section labeled E. As we move through the anomalies and categories, there will be an explanation as to why each one has made that tear in the list, as well as a detailed explanation of what that entity is.
Back rooms Entity List
Bone Thieves:
Entity number 121 is also known as a bone thief. This is a large creature with an incredibly wide open mouth. On the inside of the large mouth of this creature are its eyeballs. The reason that this entity makes its way to the top of this tier list is due to the fact that, if you make eye contact with the eyeballs inside of its mouth, your bones will disappear. Once your bones disappear, you will not be able to move and you will be a pile of meat on the ground. After you have found yourself laying on the ground in a pile of human meat, the bone thief will eat you much like a snake would.
They may not be able to chase you down because they do not move, but they will mimic voices and sounds in order to get you to come and see what is going on in that location. Once you are there, they will make eye contact with you and take your bones in order to eat you.
The major reason that this entity is at number one in the S tier category is the fact that if you simply catch a glimpse of its eyes, your bones will simply be gone. Once your bones disappear, and you have simply caught in a glimpse of its eyes, you will be unable to defend yourself any longer. The thought of laying on the floor with no bones unable to defend yourself has to be the creepiest idea on this entire list.
Skin Stealers:
Skin Stealers are also known as entity 10. They are nearly found on every level in the backrooms. The blood of this entity, much like some of the other entities, is see-through. The entire body of this entity is covered in tiny little suction cups, which are used in order to keep the skin suit on that they are wearing from whatever person they take it off of.
Once the skin stealer has put on the persons skin suit and situated it properly, they look exactly like the person that they took it from. The best way to tell if a skin stealer is not human is to see if their blood is red or see-through. Not only can these entities steal your identity, but they can also mimic your voice in order to steal your entire identity as a whole. The only way that you could find out that a skin stealer is not human, other than seeing its blood, is realizing that they cannot speak any meaningful thoughts.
Skin Steelers do not actually have the capability of speaking any language, or communicating in any meaningful way other than repeating things that they have heard someone say before.
Retches are entities that were, at one point, actual human beings. These people turned into creatures due to lack of proper hydration, sustenance, and/or sleep. The creepiest part about these entities is that they were once human, and the fact that it can happen to any human that finds themselves in the back rooms. The fact that not being careful enough with eating sleeping and drinking water while you are in the back rooms can turn you into this horrible grotesque creature that is no longer human is absolutely terrifying.
While these entities are found on most levels, and are not some of the most dangerous, they find their selves towards the top of this tier list, simply because of the creepiness and scariness factor of actually turning into one yourself.
I don’t know about you, but turning into an empty brained meat bag that wonders around a super liminal space searching for humans to attack and kill is something that definitely freaks me out.
While this creature isn’t one of the more dangerous ones, it certainly is one of the creepiest by far.
Six Arms:
While the name of this entity is, in fact, six arms, the creature itself has more than that many prehensile limbs coming from its body. This creature can move through walls in a fashion known as no clipping. The only known way to escape from this entity is to throw sugar at it. Being that this entity is so large and mysterious, as well as dark and creepy; and coupling those facts together with it being able to know clip through walls, puts it up towards the top of this list.
These tricky entities are also known as entity number 67. The party goers are called this, mainly due to their appearance, and the level in which they reside. They have no recognizable features other than a drawn on :-) where a normal face would be. These creatures also do not have hands and instead they have leech like teeth at the end of their arms.
The party goers hunt in packs, and even though they are not fast, they are tricky and cunning. All they need to do is get one good touch on you with the razor sharp leech like mouths at the end of their arms. If they do this, they can inject you with their special venom, which makes your skin fall off, and turns you into one of them. Once you are a partygoer, you will not remember your past life, and you will turn into a partygoer, your self, attacking humans that find themselves in the back rooms.
Jeffery looks like a typical blue and gold macaw. Jeffery is also known as entity number 7 and is incredibly intelligent and tricky. If you attempt to hold or tame Jeffery and you are unsuccessful, you will become a mindless zombie that worships him forever. If you do the exact proper steps needed to tame him, he will not turn you into a zombie and leave you alone from then on.
The major reason that Jeffrey finds himself so high on this list is due to the fact that he can turn you into a mindless zombie for all eternity. While it doesn’t seem like a high risk if you know to not attempt to hold Jeffery, the trickiest part is the fact that he can fly incredibly fast after you and no clip through walls to get to you. it seems nearly impossible to get away from him once he has set his mind on getting to you being that he has aerial superiority and speed as well as being able to fly through the walls.
Skin Givers:
Skin givers make their way up the list at a decent pace. These creatures are known to add extra layers of skin on you once they make contact with their hands. These extra layers of skin multiply until you are so heavy that energy drains from you at an incredible rate. Once you are too tired and cannot move anymore, they will find you and eat through the extra skin to get to you.
The thought of the fact that, even though you are able to get away, you still can’t get away because they have already done what they needed to do is the scariest part about this entity.
The Beast of Level 5:
The beast of level five is known to look like a man in a nice business suit with an octopus as his head. What makes this entity so scary and creepy is the fact that it does not choose to kill his victims right away. Instead, it chooses to hunt them and chase them down for several days on end whittling down their sanity. Once it feels like it has done enough in making the person insane it will offer that person untold riches and power.
If the person excepts the offer, the beast of level five will devour them whole. However, if the person does not except the offer, they have a chance to run and make it to another level. While you are in level five with this entity, it has powers on par with a deity. If, however, you are able to make it to another level; it will not have those same powers. It can travel to a different level and find you, but it will not be as strong.
Entity 96 – The Big Eye
Not much is known about the big eye. There is minimal footage and little information to be found. The mysterious nature behind this entity makes for an incredibly creepy scenario when paired with a giant floating eyeball. The only footage that is able to be found and documented from this entity is of it next to entity number 121 and attacking a human in an almost impossible physical manner with respect to speed and strength.
Being a floating eyeball is bad enough, but adding the incredible amounts of speed and strength, with the mysterious nature behind this entity, makes it obvious that it would find its way up the tier list a good way.
These backrooms entities most often don’t have any facial features what-so-ever. They do kill humans, but they also run from any threat more often than not. This means that they are sneaky in their approach which certainly makes them creepy. However, the fact that they will run away from a threat makes them far less creepy and scary than the anomalies at the top of this list.
These Dullers can no-clip their arms through walls in order to grab a person by their throat in order to catch them and kill them.
The Windows:
The windows are exactly what they sound like. These are simply many of the windows that are found throughout nearly the entirety of the back rooms. They have supernatural powers that will lure people to them in order to attack them. They are incredibly mysterious and found throughout the almost the whole back rooms on almost every level.
The unknown whispers from the dark shadowy figures just beyond the windows lends a heavy hand to just how creepy they really are.
Hounds are also known as entity number 8. It is sort of a visual similarity to a pop-culture werewolf. Mostly found in the earlier levels, this creature can also be found in nearly every other level. Hounds are incredibly strong and fast, which help them move up the list from the bottom sections.
There is not too much in the way of new information to learn about these entities due to their similarities to werewolves. The only reason that they are not higher up the list is the fact that you can momentarily stun them into not attacking you by intimidating them. Other than being able to intimidate them they are incredibly vicious creatures, and will attack on site.
Mange Humans
These creatures are known to have a serious skin condition similarly to mange for dogs. They often are seen scratching their skin profusely.
Smilers are tall, lanky, dark figures that lurk inside of pitch black rooms within the backrooms. If you see their eyes and mouth light up from a dark room, smiling at you, you are supposed to make eye contact with them until they leave. If you do not make eye contact the entire time, and you break eye contact, they will chase you and attack you. They are called the smilers because of their appearance.
The reason that they are at this location in the list is due to the fact that it is difficult to keep eye contact, and if you break that eye contact, they will attack you. Other than that they are not one of the more dangerous entities in this list. What helps them move up in the list is the fact that they are creepy. Glowing smiles, sitting in dark rooms. Waiting for you.
The impostors are entities that do not have a lot of information on them. Most of what is known about them is the fact that they are able to take on the appearance of humans and blend in with others around them. It is said that one of the only ways that you can find out if someone is an imposter or not is to check on whether they smell good or bad. If the person has no odor, either way, they are an imposter.
One other way is to check and see if their blood is translucent much like a skin stealer. If their blood is, in fact, see-through, they are an imposter and not a human. Not much else is known about the imposters, including whether their intentions are good or bad overall. This level of unclarity places these entities towards the bottom of the list, due to the fact that several of the others have purely evil intentions.
This entity is a psychic house cat. If you feed this entity high-quality meat, it will give you psychic readings and be friendly to you. However, if you feed this cat nothing or low quality meat, it may turn into a vicious animal and attack you. This entity is not particularly dangerous when compared to many of the others within the back rooms. The reason that it is so low on the list is because of its baseline attitude towards humans. It is generally friendly and nice, especially if you have high quality meat to feed it.
The reason that facelings are at the bottom of the list is due to the fact that many of them are actually known to have friendships with humans that are in the backrooms. While the younger facelings are mischievous and often times devious, they are still not nearly as evil or dangerous as many of the other entities within the backrooms. Putting this information together with the fact that adult facelings are actually often times nice and helpful; this places these entities at the bottom of this list.
Inside of the fandom for the backrooms, there are many YouTube channels that visit most of the entities and levels that there are information about. There are also wiki pages with entire websites filled with entity lists. Though, when anyone tries to list the entirety of the back rooms, they are unable as all of the information on them has not been compiled to this day. There are different creatures inside of every level, and if you are looking for information on these creatures, there are plenty of places to find that.
Backrooms levels:
Some people say, there are 34 main levels to the back rooms. Some people say there are as many as 1000 levels inside of the back rooms. The truth, however, is that there are an unknown amount of total of rooms within this liminal anomalous area.
Many proposals have attempted to attack this question to no avail. We believe that there may be an unlimited amount of rooms within the back rooms. Not only this, but it may be an ever-changing structure and constantly makes additions to itself over time.
Recap & Summary:
Now you have a better idea of the backrooms as a whole and you also got to see a ranked tier list of the creepiest entities within the backrooms. The creepiest entity is the bone thief. If for no other reason, it can make your bones disappear right out of your body just by looking you in the eyes from a distance. This is one of the most terrifying things I have ever heard.
From giant eye balls to nice cats, you got to see some of the most interesting creatures inside of the backrooms lore.
Hopefully you enjoyed this article and the information within. If you did, and you want to see more like this, you can find plenty of other articles right here in our Backrooms category.
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read this article! : )